Helping others may put you in trouble
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
If you are helping, it's the best thing you are doing. For god’s grace, there are very few who understand the importance of help. And if you feel like something is wrong after your assistance. Then try to understand: Reason why it's causing the problem. Try to discuss with the other party why is it so. Try to find some solution regarding that. When we help others then God himself will help us. So be positive, you are doing a great deed. Finally, stay happy and follow the ultimate superpower the God who always help others without discrimination, even he provides food, shelter to the criminal man. He gives them the punishment too for bad deeds.
So carry on with your deeds. You will be given something great someday in the form of help by the God. God bless everyone. Forget about having done good ,then try to forgive and move on. Our credit is with the Almighty not with mankind. He will sure reward you in some or the other way. A very small help that led to loads of trouble. We were in a train and there was this old man who seemed very decent and lost. This was an official trip with two of my lady colleagues. We started the journey with small banter and opened the snacks and food that we have brought. This man was eyeing our eats and we felt that we had to offer something to him.
The man grabbed a healthy portion of all the snacks and ate like he has never eaten in a while. As we looked shocked at his appetite he started with his sob story. This was all in the first hour even before the ticket checker could come. My colleagues and I had parted with our food and were almost convinced to give him a few thousands - when the TT arrived, saw him and shouted, "Hey, you again?!!! The polite lost old man suddenly changed into an aggressive person and demanded money from us so that he could leave. We were shell shocked!!! The money in our hands was grabbed and the man ran like a youngster. This was a strange experience but has taught me to be extremely careful with strangers.
Sometimes we should take credit, but sometime we can't. Let me try to make you understand. 1st Example:A man is walking through the footpath. A beggar steals his wallet and you saw him and tried to tell everyone that he stole his wallet.And ran behind the Nipper and caught him red handed.And gave it to the person. But the person said I didn't want your help instead of thanking you. But don't worry sometimes it's not about him it's about you. Now another example:Suppose someone over thrown a baby into a river. It was a rainy night and you tried to save the baby. You swam even when you don't know how to swim.You saved the baby somehow but you drained all your energy. The river flow was very strong and it over flowed you. But even though your succeeded to save the baby. God keeps the account of all your good and bad deeds (karma).
Simple answer would be stop helping them but if you’re conscious doesn’t agree the answer is within you not anyone else. Do you help with desire of return, if so stop helping and if you think it is not the first thing you need to introspect not tell anyone but is truth you know. If there is a gap between truths you speak and is in the mind some improvement is needed in yourself too. In case you are sincere in your effort of helping it is obvious other is suffering from something and so he could not be in right frame of mind at that moment. Your patience hearing couple of times could make him know your intention and effort and his mistake which can give you much better comfort in your assistance which worked as healing their wounds in mind.
It is sincerity thus in self without return and people who do is being guarded by divine law which never misses anything ever. When somebody asks for help, before helping, it is pertinent to get satisfied with 3 questions with plausible answers. Is it true? Is it useful & helpful? Will it spread goodness & kindness? If you get even only one “No” as the answer, you must avoid helping on that occasion.
Suppose a person has the habit of drinking liquor and beating wife daily, and asks you to give money urgently as he lost his purse to a pickpocket thief (which is a lie),and if you know his habits, then if the reason is not true, as he is a drunkard and tells lie to purchase liquor. It is really not useful & helpful to anybody. Also liquor spoils health & deprives his family everything. It does not spread goodness & happiness. Now you can politely express your helplessness to those people, as you are willing to help only for those causes that does not trouble others.
It's healthy for your consciousness and also those who give trouble always give trouble to the others too so I think one should help others because if they even trouble you you should not be like them. It's like dropping on to well because one has fallen. Further you could trouble them while helping them that's a way to neutralize their karma too. Further not helping those who are around you(meaning near you in physical sense or know you) only because they trouble you doesn't seem to be reasonable enough to trap your mind to regret and guilt.
Also remember kindness is rewarded greatly. The most above reason is this. You see in today's world it's hard to find people to be with people and no matter how much we enjoy solitude we become lonely and helping others may help you overcome loneliness. So keep helping till end because life is real short. Cheers!