Helping is a Joy
There's really nothing better than being in a position to help. But helping requires you to have been through the stuff someone needs help with. So you've got to grind through, make the mistakes, get scars and learn the lessons in order to hand the roadmap over to someone else.
But being able to do that is the stuff of life.
That's what being a human is all about.
That's how we are supposed to build, generation upon generation, passing on knowledge through and across time from one another to create a better and brighter future.
We're all learning things and gaining experiences that can accelerate another person's learning curve; it can help shave some time off their journey.
Someone said that given a long enough time frame, everyone can be successful.
Well I think it's your responsibility to help shorten that time frame for others if possible.
As a Christian, I strive to live by doing unto others as I would have done unto me. I also try to be objective about it. Do I need some pain right now instead of relief? Will that be the best thing in the long run to build character, resilience or compassion? Possibly. Sometimes this objectivity only comes in hindsight when I see the rewards of going through pain/suffering/hardship/confusion/frustration instead of an easier path.
But anyways, it's a joy to be able to give where you've been. Helping churches develop their workspace offerings in order to supplement charity funds is just awesome.
Starting a church from scratch is a bit like starting a side hustle with no possibility of sustainable income for years (if not decades) most likely. You may ask, "Why would you do that?"
Well, because of the call.
So when a church gets to the point where they've purchased a small building, raised funds to take it from a dump to somewhere inhabitable, and used some of the small donation pot to further create space for hire to finally have the building sustain itself - yeah, I'm gonna give them everything I've got.
When a pastor works full time, has a family and makes his congregation his second full time job (volunteer job!), it's a whole other animal of someone who deserves help.
I'm gonna take 7 years of learning and roll it up into an hour of distilled information that will get them moving in no time. If I can help them cut the learning curve by years then frankly it's my responsibility to do so!
It took me a fair amount of time trying, testing and failing to see what worked here, so I can take all that experimentation and ball it up into a couple months of focused execution instead of years of testing things.
So you can probably tell I just got off one of these calls, cos I'm pumped to be able to share what I know!