Helping a desperate soul: a personal Client Care story

Helping a desperate soul: a personal Client Care story

Receiving support when you’re in dire need for help: a trust booster that is hard to resist.

As you might have heard or seen, there was a record number of demonstrations and strikes this week in France, as part of the “social dialogue” to explore ways of modernising the public service in the country. This included for the first time a serious look into altering some of the special conditions granted to the employees of the French rail company (la SNCF), responsible for the maintenance and operation of local, regional and national rail lines including the famous TGV. A tough one.

?? 100% battery

For weeks now I was scheduled to make the trip from Switzerland to Lille and Paris for long awaited discussions with some of my connections, and attend the AGM of my engineering school alumni. Hoping for the best, I packed my bags and got going for the trip. My wife rightfully challenges me: you're sure about this? I was scheduled to leave France just before things were scheduled to be stopped, so I figured, it would be OK. Silly me.

?? 67% battery

The almighty Murphy was looking cheekily upon me and decided that it would be entertaining to see me miss my overnight bus ride back to Geneva, scheduled for 23:00.

On a side note: if you have to travel via Paris Bercy station by bus, allow ample time - I hardly ever miss any transit connection and had nearly 25 minutes to try and find the right location. How can basic efficient signage still be problematic in the heart of Paris in 2018??

Bottom line: missed the overnight connection back to Geneva. Thanks Murphy.

?? 42% battery (thanks Google Map)

With meetings in Geneva I did not want to miss the next day, I searched any way of making the trip back.

Poor timing Julien, poor timing. No trains (strike), no flights (booked out), no hire cars (booked out for the Easter long week-end), even after rushing to the CDG international airport where I was able to attempt a heartfelt plead, face to face with the late night staff. Simply no way.

This late in the night, no BlaBlaCar or other car sharing option available either.

First message to my wife: I’m not coming home tonight.

?? 39% battery

Came 00:15, and I found myself somewhat desperate for a bed after exhausting all possible avenues to make my way home. That’s when the fun truly began. 

?? 36% battery

Located a dozen hotels in proximity to the airport terminals. Vivaldi, Letter to Elise, Radio stations, I’m gradually experiencing all the switchboards of all the major hotel groups: Novotel, Hilton, Ibis, Pullman, Best Western, Holiday Inn, Mercure…

The frustration is on the rise. Can’t believe how hard it is to actually speak to someone.

Worst case scenario: being prompted to choose from half a dozen locations across Europe, in Holland, UK, Belgium, when I dialled the direct number of the actual local hotel - seriously!?

Speaking to a few reception staff. No bedroom available, no idea who might have one, sorry cannot help.

Nowhere to sleep. Now frustrated and tired, and feeling a little vulnerable.

A couple of messages to my wife at home. I’m in for a difficult night.

?? 27% battery

Jumping on for a hotel further away. 15min searching, no availability.

Going back and forth between apps on the phone, burning battery like mad on Google Map and others.

Now genuinely a little concerned about where to sleep: it is nearly 01:00, not a very civilised time to ring friends and family for a spare bed is it?

Switching to “battery conservation” mode. Realising I could have done that 45 minutes earlier. Not the sharpest tool in the shed Julien, not smart…

I’m now realising that AirBnB could have been option… 1h ago. Definitely not my night.

?? 17% battery

Things are getting a little more concerning - I have no desire to sleep on a bench at the airport ahead of my full day of work the next day…

Back to checking the various hotels around the airport, there must be a room somewhere.

Crowne Plaza. Nothing.

?? 14% battery

Ringing the Marriott Hotel.

An energetic voice answers the phone quickly with a friendly tone and I can actually hear her smile. No room - of course(!).

Asks me if I have checked other hotels nearby. I explain how complicated things are. “Please give me a couple of minutes, sir. Please stay on the line”.

Nervous wait.

Watching the battery gauge.

?? 12% battery

Sir, are you there?” She asks. “I have a room for you at the Novotel Paris Est, Porte de Bagnolet”. “It’s not too far from the airport so it should not cost you too much in taxi. I would not recommend travelling with the public transport right now. It’s probably about 1h.”

Me, suddenly relieved: “Well, that’s brilliant, thank you so much. What’s the hotel again? I don’t have much battery left.

And then comes the cherry on the cake: “would you like me to connect you to the hotel?”.

I was stunned. “That would be fantastic, thanks a lot!”.

Go and get a taxi, I’m connecting you now. Try and have a good night Sir.” (...)

??4% battery

About 01:40, my taxi drops me off at the hotel. Another couple of text messages to my wife. “Sleep well, I’m good”. Off to bed. Mariott scored a few points tonight.


What's the point in sharing this (somewhat entertaining) story? It turns out I got some direct experience of some of the trust building principles and coaching tips I share on a regular basis, except this time from a client stand-point. Here are the main take-aways:

  1. Even though I stayed at the Novotel Paris Est that night - Novotel actually scored 0 points. In fact, the customer service was quite pale in comparison to Marriott that it was probably the opposite. It was purely transactional. Nothing else.
  2. Novotel had their chance though, I actually rang them, second, in my late night calling frenzy. But the answer I got was - sorry Sir, no room for you here. Beyond selling one room, there was no obvious of any desire to help or support.
  3. It was the helping attitude that made all the difference. The woman at reception clearly went out of her way to help me out. Her ability to put herself in my shoes, her kind words and helpful tips made me feel supported and grateful. In the middle of a frustrating night, it felt really good.
  4. She had nothing to gain from her efforts: the hotel was fully booked, I only needed one night. There was no self-interest in her attitude and actions. It was instantly clear, that the only reason she was doing all this was... for me. Hard to not be sensitive to the gesture.
  5. My sentiment towards Marriott certainly increased that night. All thanks to her.

?? For any of you reading this, if you're trying to build stronger relationships with your team members, your clients, your partners or your targets: try and be a little be generous with your time and effort, and please do this regardless of what's in it for you. You'll be amazed by the results: help, don't sell.

P.S. I only feel sorry that I forgot to ask for the woman's name, I would have loved to send her a thank you note, and letting her management know the significantly positive impact she's had on my night. Somehow I suspect that this event isn't in isolation. I'll figure out something.


?? Hi there! I'm the European Director for The Business of Trust. In the last 4 years, I have trained and coached several hundreds accountants, consultants, engineers, scientists and executives across Australia and Europe. I am frank, direct, obsessed by trust and client success, and allergic to business as usual.

If you found this article interesting, useful, then please share it with your network on LinkedIn. I try to only connect with individuals I have either met or had a good conversation with - so you can help me reach many more around the globe if you think it might be useful to them.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas too. I like any solid and constructive exchange.

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