Helping Clients Transform Negative Self-Talk and Core Limiting Beliefs
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, Police Chaplain, Metaphysician, Orthodox Psychotherapist
St. John’s Management Group AOCCA. An Orthodox Catholic Chaplaincy. Members: The International Conference of Police Chaplains, American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts and The Christian Legal Society.
Helping Clients Transform Negative Self-Talk and Core Limiting Beliefs
As a Practicing Mental Hypnoanalysts, I know that negative statements directed at a person can erode their sense of self-worth. Even though many people find they can reject unfair criticism without much difficulty when it comes from others. When it’s the person him or herself, who is doing the negative self-talk, their sense of self-worth can be dramatically diminished and their potential severely limited. Negative self-talk causes stress, triggers anxiety, limits the person’s capacity for success, and often colors life with a dark brush.
Often the people who suffer from these problems don’t realize they are caused by their own inner critics or from the internalized negative voices of parents and significant others. The reason they are not fully aware of these inner voices is the overwhelming feelings they cause. In effect, the negative self-talk is drowned out, and it plays?unconsciously in the background, like a song stuck in an endless loop!
Negative self-talk produces unpleasant emotional states, problem behaviors and limits choices. These negative feelings and behaviors are then the trigger for a tremendous number of problems and difficulties, including:
? Eating disorders, problem habits and behaviors
? Alcohol, substance abuse and other addictions
? Anxiety, depression, and panic???
? Anger management problems
? Self-confidence and self-esteem issues . . .. and more
This two-hour session will present you with a variety of new, innovative?approaches with which to achieve rapid and?lasting change. The aim of these techniques is to empower you to make better choices and enrich your life.
Dr. Richard Paul Ward, CHAPLAIN
At: St. John's Management Group
El. Dorado County, California, U.S.A.
Telephone 530-644-4588
General Practice Specializing in The Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses, Holistic healing, and Prevention. Man is created in the image of God, and he must reach His likeness. This is, I could say, the final aim and secret entelechy of man. As long as this yearning is not satisfied and a person remains far from God, his suffering increases. Inasmuch as his basic destiny on earth, communion with God, is not fulfilled, no matter how much medicine he takes or how much psychoanalysis he undergoes, he will always be homeless and engaged in a tragic search. We want more than psychological balance; we are looking for fullness of life. We do not simply wish to develop religious feelings but want our lives to be filled.
Dr. Ward is an Orthodox Priest, Psychotherapist and Board-Certified Medical Hypnoanalyst with the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts working with Athletes, Law Enforcement, and the Business community. His foundational skills are in Therapeutic Orthodox Psychotherapy, Holistic Medical Hypnoanalysis and Noetic Energy Healing. Our therapeutic healing techniques relates psychology to neurology, but goes beyond them because, it functions beyond the limits of science, without ignoring it. It has no similarities to any western or eastern type of psychotherapy, it has its own different character, and a specific distinct anthropology. In any case the term “Orthodox Psychotherapy” was accepted by scholars, as demonstrated in the voluminous book titles Manual of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity by the American Psychological Society.
St. John’s is a member of the Christian Legal Society and can provide Christian Investigative Conciliation Services in business disputes including, conflict counseling, coaching, mediation, and legally binding arbitration. I take office appointments in El Dorado County, California nd can-do telephone or Zoom consultations with people from all over the world.
St. John’s Management Group is a Business and Industrial Chaplaincy.