Helping Chris
Update: We have set up a crowd funding campaign for Chris through Back a Buddy. If you would like to donate, please go to
I am writing to you about the son of a dear friend of mine. Ann is a single mother of two, and as a family, they have had more than their fair share of challenges. Ann is too humble to ask for assistance and has played every role possible in her children's lives, but the time has come where she is no longer able to fill this gap, and for this reason we are reaching out to you for help.
Let me introduce you to Chris
Ann’s son, Chris, at the age of five was diagnosed with type one diabetes after a viral overload from chicken pox, measles and tick bite fever, in quick succession. In true Chris spirit he readily accepted the challenge of BG level testing and self-injecting insulin even before he left the hospital. As a result he has had many hospital visits over the years and through this disease alone, has been close to death a few times.
Chris’s accident
Chris battled to find employment after leaving school and had been employed for just three months in his dream job, when at the age of 23, his life was shattered. On his way home from work on 2nd April 2015, a pedestrian ran across the road in front of Chris throwing him from his motorcycle.
He suffered a brain bleed, a fractured neck, deep tissue bruising and scrapes. That night will forever live in our memory. He was rushed to a local hospital and after assessment placed in a medically induced coma for 11 days. The specialists were very frank and pretty uncertain of what recovery would occur. Everyone was overjoyed when he awoke from the coma and although confused initially, physically appeared to be recovering well.
However due to his brain injury Chris began suffering seizures and had to take anti epileptic meds. Chris felt like he was living with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and eventually convinced his neurologist that he wanted to try living without them which he did successfully. However by this time he had lost his job and due to his condition was not able to find employment.
Kidney Problems
On 8 December 2017 Chris’s life took another dramatic turn when admitted to ICU he was diagnosed with kidney failure. On 15 December a permanent catheter was placed in his chest and he underwent his first dialysis treatment. Since then it has been a roller coaster ride from hell. January 2018 had him back in ICU with a perm cath infection which sadly affected his heart.
Lengthy hospitalizations. Constant nausea. Vomiting. Insomnia. Neuropathy. Oesophageal bleeding. Blood transfusions. Anaemia. Swelling or overloading as it is termed. High blood pressure. Dangerously low BG resulting in seizures again. Retinal bleeding and depression are now the daily life of this young man. He undergoes dialysis at least three days a week for 4 hours at a time and a colourful array of medication daily top-up his week interspersed with visits to the renal ward and ICU stays.
Mom by his side all the way
Chris’s mother has always worked hard to balance her stressful workload and these challenges with astounding dignity and persistence. I see the strain it has on her, but she continues and has never given up hope. All her time is spent working and doing whatever she can for her son, finances have always been stretched and although she manages to cover the basics, there is never excess.
A sad realisation
Recently Ann was in Durban planning a conference for her work, and was looking at the sea, remembering some of the fun memories of holidays spent at the beach with the children. It was then that it dawned on her that Chris (27) would most likely never see the sea again. She was devastated at this thought and I truly believe that at that moment his situation really struck home, his life expectancy is not positive and for many years Ann has, through sheer determination and will, pushed forward refusing to contemplate the worst. She was broken and shared her fears with me, I felt so helpless as there is nothing more we, or medicine, can really do for Chris. It was then that I thought of an idea that would offer some relief for Ann and some joy for Chris!
A bucket-list Seaside Holiday
At the end of August Ann will be coordinating a conference in Natal for 6 days, and it would be the perfect opportunity to send Chris with her for a seaside break. We would love to be able to send a friend to accompany Chris so that he has company when Ann is at work, and who can assist him when he has to go for treatment. Ann along with his Doctors here in Johannesburg will arrange dialysis at a unit in Durban so he will not miss any treatments while on holiday.
I would like to ask if you are able to assist us with airfares, accommodation or some spending money to take Chis and a friend to Durban. This would be such a relief for the family and give Chris a much needed boost.
Chris’s Wish
After much prodding Chris has admitted his bucket list includes Lego (they are all still little boys inside) , a drone as they fascinate him and he speaks of drones with great enthusiasm. And today he revealed he would love the opportunity to swim with dolphins.
I would do anything to be able to give this young man some pleasure in his life and hopefully build enough diversion and interest and hope to motivate him to want to live and continue his fight.
On my request, his Mum has opened a bank account with Capitec specifically for donations towards assisting to fulfil his bucket list and meeting the expenses of getting him to Durban. Our wish is to fly him and his friend to Durban on the evening of 28th August after his dialysis treatment, and for them to be able to stay in a self-catering unit until their return on the morning of 4 September. This means he will do dialysis in Durban on 30th August and 2 September which is being arranged by his unit here in Gauteng.
I can only hope and pray that this request for assistance falls in the right place at the right time and that with your assistance we can try to make a difference in this young man’s life.
Hello, how do we get the bank account details to make a donation?