Helpful Resources for Job Seekers and Remote Workers
January 21, 2020 brought Taco Tuesday, my birthday, and the United States' first recorded account of the Coronavirus. During this time of unprecedented public uncertainty, let's all do our part to flatten the curve: Practice Social Distancing. Support Small Businesses. Wash your hands. Check in on your friends and colleagues. What does their work from home situation look like? How is this affecting their business? Their clients? How can you support them? We will prevail and be stronger as a community, and a country, for it. In the interim, tacos still taste great on Tuesdays and birthday's can still be social, from a distance!
If you're in need at this time, I encourage you to check out the helpful job seeking and remote work resources below.
Resources to be Successful in Remote Work
- The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work
- 330 Tools for Remote Work
- What You Really Need to Know About Remote Work
Job Searching Tips and Suggestions
- How to Find and Get Hired for Remote Work
- How to Find (and Land!) a Remote Job That’s Right for You
- 2020 State of Remote Work
- 12 Legitimate Work from Home Careers
Companies Hiring for Remote Work
- 2500+ Companies Hiring Remotely in 2020
- Top 100 Companies with Remote Jobs in 2020
- 25+ Fully Remote Companies That Let You Work From Anywhere
- 50 Legit Companies that Hire Home Workers in 2020
- Live Updated List of Companies Actively Hiring
In your application, include skill sets and experience that demonstrate your ability to work remotely: Technology Skills (Google Suite, Office 365, Trello, Zoom, etc.), Working Independently, Time Management, Verbal and Written Communications, Troubleshooting, Project Management, Meeting or Exceeding Deadlines, Taking Initiative, Resourcefulness, Responding Quickly, Working Efficiently
Avoiding Scams
Job Search Websites
- Jobspresso
- WeWorkRemotely
- Working Nomads
- Remotive (startup companies)
- Guru (freelance jobs)
- Indeed
- Idealist (nonprofit and social services)
- 25+ Best Sites for Landing Remote Work
- 60 Remote Jobs Websites
Special thanks to Stacie Jeffirs, Director of the Career Crossings Office in Notre Dame, Indiana for sharing many of these valuable resources.