The Helpful Information about Dental Filling
Almost all of us may have gone through dental fillings once in our life. A dental filling is generally needed when there are cavities in your mouth. In other words, those who care about their oral health are aware that dental filling is a straightforward way to prevent any damages from progressing further. There should be no delay; otherwise, the longer the treatment is postponed, the deeper the cavities get. So, visiting a trusted dentist to perform the dental filling is the most reasonable action. Located at the heart of New Westminster, the dedicated team at Dentist New West is always ready to provide you with advanced dental fillings at an affordable cost. What we care about is restoring your glorious smile with healthy, beautiful teeth. If you’re not familiar with fillings or have never had one, let us get you up to speed and help eliminate the fear of the unknown. In the following, we listed some helpful information in this regard.
Why Shall We Go for a Dental Filling?
As mentioned earlier, in the presence of caries and cavities, dental fillings are recommended to prevent further damage. This dental issue occurs when harmful bacteria-making acids attack the enamel. If this dental issue is not treated, it can cause severe infection, and you may even experience tooth loss. Then the only solution would be to go for dental replacement methods such as dental implants or dentures. If you are one of those people who have a sweet tooth, you are more prone to caries and tooth decay.
When to see a dentist?
If you are constantly feeling pain in your teeth, it indicates a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. The presence of a white spot on your teeth is a warning sign for premature caries. Seeing a trusted and skilled emergency dentist at this stage is tantamount to saving your damaged tooth. In other words, tooth decay can be stopped at this stage. But if this trend continues, the enamel weakens and disappears, creating cavities.
The process of filling teeth
Once it has been determined that you need to have a dental filling, your dentist will anesthetize your teeth using local anesthesia to reduce the pain during the operation. Then the tooth decay is drilled, and finally, the considered dental treatment is done. Usually, there are no side effects expected with dental fillings, but in case of having any problems, you can contact your dental specialist.
Kinds of dental fillings
Thanks to dental advances, there are various options for this dental issue, each with its advantages and disadvantages. You can choose between amalgam, tooth-colored composite, ceramic, gold, and glass ionomer. Depending on your budget, insurance coverage, cost and beauty preferences, your dentist will consult with you about the most appropriate type. In general, patients today prefer to have tooth-colored fillings so that there is no difference between this filled tooth and natural teeth.