Help Is On The Way
Large Family Mothering

Help Is On The Way

If you pray for a miracle and God doesn’t give you one, you can be a miracle to other people.

On 21st August, 2012, I left Abuja, Nigeria for a US $97,700.00 (N16,132,050.00) helicopter flight training with US $1,212.00 (N200,000.00) in my bank account believing that help was on the way.

 Helping a Friend in Need

As I was preparing for flight school, a close friend came to me crying. She had lost weight because of over thinking. Her marriage was announced in church but had to be postponed without a new date fixed because of funds. The funds her fiancé was expecting to carry out the marriage rights didn’t come through.

Rumour mongers went to town with speculation that they were no longer together. This caused her sleepless nights. She needed somebody to pour out her heart to. When a woman tells you her problems, it does not mean that she is complaining. It means she trusts you. She knew I was looking for money for my Pilot training, as such wasn’t expecting any financial help from me. As I watched her cry like a baby and feeling helpless, I was moved in my spirit to do something. They just needed some money to start. I intervened and helped.

I dipped hands into my savings and donated US $ 909.09 (N150,000.00) from the US $ 2,121.21 (N350,000.00) I had saved towards my pilot training. I had reasoned that the money I released will not stop me from going for the course. And it didn’t. That gift was like US $6,060.61 (N1,000,000.00) to them. Today, they are happily married with two (2) lovely children. I empathize with people easily. I always believe, “What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you”. Zig Ziglar, an American author and motivational speaker, once said, “You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help other people get what they want”.

While Waiting For Help

I mentioned in my article, How I Became a Helicopter Pilot, that I was training three (3) people in school and supporting another while in flying school. I had to support the fourth (4th) person because of the faith she had in me. Till date, I don’t know how she got my number though, she told me she stole it from her Madam’s phone. I ate in their restaurant in Jebba, Nigeria when I was there on official assignment. She said, “My spirit told me I will be able to get help from you if I can get close to you, the day you came to eat in our restaurant”. Sometimes, we have people who believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. I was moved by her faith in me and had to help in my own little way.

When the going was really tough while in flying school, I used to wonder why God didn’t send me help despite the number of people I had helped. I had been there for people in their time of need but wondered why there was none to help me. I used to tell my friend, Mrs. Udeme Iboro Otoho that I will never help anybody again in life if I struggle and finish the course without any help. She would say, “Don’t worry, help is coming. Keep trusting God”. God bless you, Mma.

One night while sleeping, I saw my Pastor and Father in the Lord, Dr. Paul Enenche, Senior Pastor, Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Abuja – Nigeria, I mentioned my challenge to him. He said, “It has been taken care of”. I knew, “Help was indeed on the way”. When I woke up, I went into praise mode. I thanked God for the revelation and for the help that was on the way. God did send help and it came from an unexpected quarters.

While I waited for help to come, I used to listen to Whitney Houston song, Hold On, Help is on the Way and to Bishop T.D. Jakes message, Help is on the Way. The song and the message keep reminding me to hold on a little longer, that help was on the way.

Friends Abandoned Me

When I told a friend about my Pilot vision, he said, “If it is God that gave you the vision, He knows, he is the one He will use to make the vision come to pass”. I thanked him. I was very happy because I knew he was in a good position to help. Unfortunately, he didn’t help in anyway when I needed help.

One invited me to Uyo, Nigeria to facilitate a meeting with the then Commissioner for Finance, Senator Bassey Albert but switched off his phone after informing him that I was in Uyo till I left three (3) days later. I took days off from training for nothing. I wasted my time, my resources and risk my life travelling by road for nothing.

The other collected US $212.12 (N35,000.00) to buy a bottle of wine to go and welcome the then Secretary to Akwa Ibom State Government (SSG), Chief Umana Okon Umana from his holiday. All he did after collecting the money was take me to the gate of Umana’s official residence in Uyo. The Security Officer he left me with said, “Sir, if he wants you to see the SSG, he knows what to do”. God didn’t abandon me but friends did.

Never Put Your Trust in Man

Are you going through difficulties and there are people God has put in your life that could be of help but are not helping? I have learnt not to put my trust in man. Sometimes, God prevent certain people in your life from helping you so that you don’t begin to worship them. God doesn’t want such people to take His glory in your life. Had my friend helped, I would have concluded that without his help, I wouldn’t have finished my pilot training.

Never put your trust in man because he will disappoint you. Put your trust and hope in God, He never fails. He will send you help no matter how bad or hopeless the situation might be. He will make a way for you. He will make the impossible, possible if you believe and trust Him as your Lord and Saviour.

Be There For People

You never know what someone is going through. A few nice words can help a person a lot more than you think.

In my earlier article, This Too, Shall Pass, DSP Odekina M. Danladi, on 24th April, 2013, packed his bag believing that he has come to the end of his flight training in Enugu, Nigeria. While Odekina believed that it was all over, God had a different plan. He sent him help that night. Today, Odekina is a Police Helicopter Pilot and a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) because of the help and mercies of God.

If you are privileged to help people, please do, God will reward you. Les Brown, an American motivational speaker and author, once said, “Help others achieve their dream and you will achieve yours.” If you see people drowning, help even if you cannot swim. Say yes to people before they ask. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.


I might not know what you are going through today: the sorrow, the hardship, unemployment, job loss, the struggles, the pains, sickness, heart break, business failure, disappointment or the loss of a loved one. And though the situation has turned your smiles upside down. Faithful is He that promised and it shall come to pass. Don’t give up. It shall be well. Never ever give up, no matter how hopeless. No matter what you are going through, hang in there, help is coming.

 I don’t know how long you have to wait before help comes, before you land that dream job, before that man or woman you so desire in your life comes, before the much needed change in your life happens, before you receive healing for your sickness, before that business deal clicks or before you receive consolation for your loss. No matter how long it will take, don’t give up, don’t despair because if you keep going, soon your storm will be over and the sun will shine over your face again.

 I pray: May God give you a rainbow for every storm, a smile for every tears, a relief for every sigh, a blessing for each trial and an answer to every prayer. God bless you. Stay strong, help is on the way!

Read more at: Help Is On The Way
















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