Family and Friends --
Thanks to supporters like you standing with us every day for the past seven years, we have taken some incredible steps forward as Diamondale Foundation.As a founder i have been in the private sector for long, and I’ve learned: If you don’t fight, you can’t win. And I’ll be honest, when things get tough, too often our side just folds and gives up.
But not Mathews Mutale. For 7years, at Diamondale Foundation i have been on the receiving end of attack after attack. I didn’t whimper. I didn’t whine. I have always fought back with grace and determination – and no matter how many punches i took, each time i came out fighting stronger. As the fundraising campaign Misamfu Primary continues- 2016.
Throughout this campaign for Kungu Community in Kasama Zambia, i have said i’ll hold PTA at Misamfu Primary School accountable, contribute to the school library, protect the children rights, and help students graduate from primary school with much more understanding the importance of children reading books . I’ll fight for women’s rights. That’s Diamondale’s agenda, and it is a progressive agenda.
And for our progressive agenda the community need to chose a candidate who fights for the right values -- and who isn’t afraid to fight back against right-wing lunatics trying to undermine progress in our community.
It’s going to take all of us fighting hard to make sure our children in kungu community get the reading books, finish constructing school library, We will fight our hearts out to level the playing field for school children at Misamfu Primary. That’s why I’m fighting for them -- and that’s why we all need to help them:It’s time for all of us to stand together and do everything we can to keep Kungu community moving forward. Can I count on you to pitch in $20 or whatever you can to help us get there?
Its easy just go to
make your donation to help us help others. We are also shipping adult diapers to Lusaka please join us together we can make a difference.
Thanks again
Mathews Mutale