Help us find a cure - virtually!
Friends, colleagues and family –
For many, late summer means the State Fair, back to school shopping, dorm move-ins and squeezing in one more trip to the cabin before the leaves start to fall. For our family, late summer is the time to gather and plan how we’ll honor my late wife, Ardy, on the anniversary of her passing on August 10, 2013.
It feels different as we participate in all of these traditions this year. We may choose to focus on the differences from “normal,†alternatively, we can choose to celebrate that some of these traditions are actually continuing in an updated format – and with much more focus on the purpose. One such tradition is our family’s participation in the annual Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) 5K Walk/Run! In past years, we really enjoyed our time together – walking around Lake Phalen as a big group honoring and celebrating Ardy’s life and raising funds for MMRF.
As with many other events, this year’s MMRF Walk is going virtual! We’ll still be walking the 5K in September, but our team will be able to choose their own meaningful route and date. We may not be walking together, but we are still together as members of the Ardy Germann Team!
It’s clear that the COVID Pandemic is in the forefront of our minds each day. However, we also know that while diseases such as Multiple Myeloma may not get the headlines that COVID does – it’s still a disease that impacts families everywhere. The MMRF continues its research and support of families who are impact of this disease and they need our help! We need to help find a cure!
My goal is simple – reconnect with friends and colleagues like you and raise awareness and funds for finding a cure to this disease. I appreciate your generosity! The funds raised in this year’s event will help support meaningful impacts like:
? Create the business model around cancer– from data to analytics to the clinic
? Build the MMRF CoMMpass Study, the single largest genomic dataset of any cancer
? Bring 12 FDA-approved therapies to the market in the last 15 years and tripled patient survival
This year, my ask is also simple – join the cause by donating to my fundraising page.
Peter and the Ardy Germann Team