Help Save D&RGW Locomotive 223
Steve Jones
President @ S4 Integration Solutions, Inc. | BACnet | ecobee | Metasys N2 | Siemens Apogee P1 | Integration | Gateways
Usually I focus on the business of running The S4 Group, Inc. and supporting the efforts of our partners. This time I'm writing about a cause that is just as important to me.
I have always been passionate about trains. When we moved to Utah in 2004 I had the opportunity to get involved with the Golden Spike Chapter of the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society (R&LHS) and work on the restoration of D&RGW narrow gauge locomotive #223. That was a Saturday morning outlet that made it possible for me to do everything I had to do at S4.
The project recently made the front page in Ogden's Standard Examiner.
The article is online at…/article_13940e68-c4c6-50c3-a00b-…
Please review the article and post any comments on that help us document the historical significance of this little engine or will support our mission to see the D&RGW Locomotive 223 operate again.
It has also been posted to our Golden Spike Chapter web site where you can find a complete history of our R&LHS Golden Spike Chapter and the 223 locomotive itself.
If you are a member of any railroad historical societies please reach out to them and ask them, and their members to get involved.