Help paying for other health plans? Really? No...not really...yet.
Hey Folks - curious about the announcement recently that you can use Obamacare subsidies to pay for "leaner" health plans? Here's some Facts (and it's not even Friday). The administration issued a Guidance yesterday expanding the limitations on the 1332 waivers that have been a part of the ACA since 2015. These waivers allow states to expand the types of health products that people can use the federal subsidies to pay for as well as other possible changes to the way plans are offered in a state. NO - it will NOT kill all the plans that cover pre-existing conditions and other essential benefits. "waivers to be approved as long as people still have access to at least one comprehensive health plan and as long as states can show coverage rates wouldn’t decline in the aggregate." However, if more people are buying "leaner" health plans that are less expensive the prediction on rates for those "comprehensive" plans is not good. There also is an implication in the press release that this will help everyone right away - how about this quote from the letter sent to the states - "We are hopeful that some states will be able to take actions to benefit their citizens through these waivers as early as 2020." The guidance has to be run through the system and then waivers have to be applied for and approved. Please view the press releases with a cautious and open mind and continue to review all of the health plan options available to you to figure out how to best protect yourself and your family. Need help? Let's talk.
Quotes from:…/the-health-202-hhs-invites… and…/Down…/SignedSREWaiverDearGovLetter.pdf
To view the actual guidance as released:…/2018-23182.pdf