Help Pave Dave's Road to Recovery- Update : April 2019
It's the beginning of April 2019, and sunshine is peeking through the skylight in my bedroom. It is quiet and peaceful in my room. I have just finished four physical therapy stretching exercises. My legs feel tight and swollen due to vascular issues. The diminished blood flow often results in fatigue and lethargy, and impacts my mood and energy. Yesterday I went to a top notch vascular specialist and today I will begin treatments.
Healing is a slow process, one that is not always as steady as I might hope. Walking is still a challenge. My vestibular condition, which impacts my balance, coupled with the muscle weakness and tightness in my legs and lower back, is challenging to work on. I never truly understood what recovery from a debilitating condition such as spinal stenosis was all about. Now I do.
For the last few weeks I have had the benefit of sessions with a therapist and two different life coaches. All three have been transformative in their ability to acknowledge, encourage, and help me see the relationship between engagement, action, and forward motion. In the past I have made promises and immediately resented having made them, and worse have felt forced to keep them. Many times I did not in fact keep them. The work I am doing is teaching me to relax and breathe as I take actions that I would have resisted and resented before. I am practicing forgiving myself - and others as well - inside of my commitment to long term healing and growth.
I have been blessed to have already received over 46% of the $12,500 GoFundMe goal. This incredible support from my communities, from people I interact with regularly, from people I’ve not spoken to in forever but who nonetheless remember me and clearly care, has me feeling so very grateful and loved.
I deeply appreciate your listening and reading and supporting my recovery. Every donation and every well wish is immensely helpful and makes a huge difference in my journey.
All my best to you and yours,
Dave Rudbarg