"Help me if you can I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get me get me my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me?"
Such simple lyrics, profound in interpretation and so very applicable in the state we find our world in.
And so it is that, although collaboration in and amongst society, is so intrinsic to the very fiber of our existence, sometimes we either cower to receive or hoard to lend a helping hand. We, being the 'intelligent' species. The layers of so many veils of misdirection perhaps has shrouded our vision and altered or perceptions.
As we apply perceptions, as it pertains to the insurance industry we have two sides of the fence. Prospects, customers, clients, dissidents, however you frame it, seldom view insurance as help, until the fan gets hit. The fan usually hits with a cost. Lost earnings of a bread winner, high medical bills, or final rites appropriations are quite often not considered until they show up at the doorstep.
On the flip side, many advisors are so bogged down with the intricacies of targets and personal agendas, that the fundamental foundation of actually giving assistance is often lost. So the onus is on us to show how we can help and approach our clients with that very focus in mind. It transcends beyond a sale especially when we can preempt emergency situations, and soften the impact.
So if we can proceed with that correction of conception in the way we do our business and hopefully the way we are received, maybe we can actually be our brothers' and sisters' keepers in the way it was designed. I don't know about you, but a helping hand is always welcomed.