Help Others Awaken

Help Others Awaken

How can we help our family and friends wake up? Is this possible? Yes, it is possible.

If you begin to glimpse this awakening of consciousness in yourself, it is possible to help others and in fact it is a very good idea to do so. We make soul pacts to help each other along the way.

The first thing is let go of the idea that you are going to help them, having an approach with the idea that you are the one who helps them, will create a separation, and an obstacle.

Start by recognizing the common essence that you share with that person at the essence level, you are oneself, so relate from your essential being. A very effective way to do this, and perhaps the only way to do this, is with your presence.

Your presence will be the teacher and the teaching that will be available at that moment. The more you can sustain your presence when you are with the people you want to help, the more the call to their presence will be. Rest assured that something within them is being called, something within awakens. Your presence is a level of frequency, it is a state of being.

The first help you can offer is with your presence, your presence will be the anchoring of the frequency. In this case you have to be alert because it is specifically with family and friends, people who have to do with your past, with whom you will find the greatest challenge in relating and maintaining a present state. People from your past may have a mental image of who you were before your transformation of consciousness, so they will try to relate to you from that image and it may trigger in you an unconscious reaction as the person you were. So the way to help others is by holding your presence, your peace, the center, the stillness, the silence.

If there is space in your mind, there is presence in the moment. Presence vibrates, it is a frequency and it can be felt, it can be transmitted and others do not have to be aware of this transmission and you do not have to be aware of the thought about that transmission, because the power comes from being genuinely present, compassionate, at peace and this is you will be able to feel.

Sometimes interacting with others who may have a crystallized image of you, and you showing up as a new person could trigger them to not accept who you are now. Stay present.

Another way of being present is like a mirror, clean, pure, where you are not reacting, you are not judging, you simply remain in peace, in love, and people can feel this, your family members will be able to feel a new closeness, that they are not being judged or threatened by you but they are being loved, listened to, seen.

Presence offers a space for a word of healing, revelation, comfort to emerge, a word that can inspire someone, or call something within them, because it will be your essence communicating with their essence, which is the same essence.

Focus on a positive state of being and you will be giving the best of yourself, your attention, your love, and your presence, that is your gift.


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