Help Needed
Fr. Robert Francis Johnnene OFM
Catholic priest and Servant General of Religious Order
Please Help; Last year God called 20 of our regular benefactors’ home and as a result we have lost $800 a month in donations while our monthly expenses for 2020 average $1010. A month. I am appealing to all our mission friends and over 1000 Facebook and other blogger friends to please help us by committing to donate $10 or $20 a month to insure we will be able to continue all our mission work to the 3 senior living facilities we celebrate Mass at every week and the visitations to nursing homes and shut-ins as well as our distribution of our weekly TV show REFLECTIONS. You can easily make a donation either by using the DONATE button on our web site; which will take you to PayPal where you can safely and securely make your donation; Or you can send your check or money order directly to the Mission Bank account: MISSIONS SAINTS SERGIUS & BACCHUS, C/O Middlesex Savings Bank, 830 Washington Street, Holliston, MA, 01746. All Donations to MISSION SAINTS SERGIUS & BACCHUS are tax-deductible in the USA, Mexico, Spain, France and Germany. Pace’ et Bene’ "Peace and all good! Rev. Bob Johnnene OFM
Rev. Bob Johnnene OFM Pastor Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus Servant General Order Franciscans of Mercy of the Reformed Catholic Church