Treat Yourself - Save a Koala !
Belinda J Shaw - Developing your Resilience Mindset
Building Resilience Abilities in Your Team
For many months now Australia has been burning. For many of those months I have thought about our animal friends and wondered about the impact the bush fires would have on them, their homes, habitat, the trees, their burrows, their food sources, water supply, their breeding cycles and programs. I have felt my heart ache with the not quite knowing.
We've all seen the tragic pictures of thousands of dead animals, our farmers who have already been struggling through drought having to shoot their badly burned animals, livestock that was their livelihood. It's all completely numbing to my senses and brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.
I've thought about "How can I help? What can I do?"
I know this, outside of my speaking and coaching work, I'm a pretty good therapist, certified in Reflexology, Master of Reiki, Feng Shui (specifically space clearing and De-cluttering) and a few other things besides.
I have decided during the months of January and February 2020 to tap back into these modalities and offer them to you.
All therapies $150 per session.
All clearing/decluttering/organising $150/ hour
50% of all these undertaken in the next two months will be donated to WIRES.ORG.AU an organisation that takes care of animals.
Some of you know I have many other strings to my bow, and if there is something I have not listed but you know I do please let me add it to the list. 50% of all service based therapy income during January and February will be donated.
Flyer attached. Please PM me or phone me directly. Taking bookings immediately for after hours Tuesday to Friday and Mondays day time to suit. Brisbane North area.
I cant wait to serve you and to be able to contribute significantly to the bush fire rescue campaign.
#australiaburns #rescueanimals #bshawnow #reflexology #itallhelpls #wires