Help Me Cross the Finish Line
Stuart Butler
Raising the Tide of the Meeting Event Industry & Our Community | Tri-Athlete | Entrepreneur | Lover of Life
I am participating in the Tour de Cure because I, like many others, are committed to doing all I can to prevent and cure diabetes. This event is a great way for me to do that!
Right now I’m getting really close to reaching my fundraising goal and I hope you can help me get there!
I am proud to raise money for the Association not because over 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, but because I personally know some of them (and you might too) and I want to do something about it!
By making a donation, you’ll be helping the American Diabetes Association provide community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure.
Will you help me change the future for those who have diabetes? With your help I will be closer to reaching my goal! Please make a donation by using the link below.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Stuart Butler