Help with home working
James Bulman
A highly experienced telecom prefessional with 24 years commercial VoIP as well as mobiles, unified communications and internet access. Also an executive coach, mentor and hypnotherapist. Let's talk!
Good afternoon LinkedIn
I hope everyone is keeping safe? With the need to work from home I am very aware that anyone with a traditional PBX served by ISDN lines is going to struggle with passing caller ID and this in turn has an effect upon screen popping and so on. I also appreciate that, for many businesses this is not the time to be splashing cash on new technologies and phone systems. Hence we are, for the duration of this Covid 19 issue, opening our exchange to those who need it. We will loan you a number or numbers to forward calls to via an administrative forward (we can help with this if needs be) and supply an app for PC, MAC, android mobile or iPhone, even Linux! to replicate the functions of your desk phone. In most cases it will do far more than your old phone actually. :@) We will also recreate all the call flows (Auto attendant, queues, voicemail hot desking etc) so you can operate exactly as you would in the office. If needs be we will even arrange to answer the calls for you.
Because this is a huge threat to the economy we will set all this up at no charge - you just pay for the users and the calls you make. When you are ready, just switch back to your old system. No minimum term, no maximum term.
What's the catch? (I hear you ask oh cynical one!) Well you do have to pay for calls and the service of course and yes, we do hope we can have a stress-free chat about the future (you'll be less stressed once you're working better after all) at some point. But that's it. Get your staff working better from home with no side effects, no up front cost and no hassle and all within four hours (usually less but hey...)
To ask for some help or more information click here or call 03300883202
Stay safe, stay profitable!
Managing Director at Miss MPS - Virtual Assistance - Business Support - Call Answering
4 年Well done James, great to see people coming together at this time to help others out.