Help don’t Judge
Chapter XLIII, Enchiridion
Everything has two handles: one by which it may be borne, another by which it cannot. If your brother acts unjustly, do not lay hold on the affair by the handle of his injustice, for by that it cannot be borne, but rather by the opposite—that he is your brother, that he was brought up with you; and thus you will lay hold on it as it is to be borne.
a. Two ways to approach a problem, in a judgemental or a supportive fashion.
b. People close to us should be supported in times of need.
c. Loyalty is being non judgemental but with a supportive attitude.
d. Judgemental viewpoints result in anger, disappointment and despair. They are negative, a waste of time and do not address the problem at hand.
e. Deal with the situation by helping, not by apportioning blame.
f. If you have considered the action as injustice, you are personalising the problem. Ego involvement. Most people commit an unjust action without thinking of others and it’s impact on them.
g. Look past the blame and focus on problem. How to help? How to support?
h. Only one way to address the problem or situation. The correct way, assist and help emotionally, spiritually, cognitively and physically. Do the next right thing.