Help to Determine Traumatic Brain Injury Healing

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Help for You or Family to Determine Recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)! ....?TBI often happens from car accidents, sports concussions, violent crimes, falling down, etc. There is a potential new blood biomarker in the test stage that might help the doctors answer the TBI patient questions “What does this look like in 6 months? … Or, when can I go back to work?”

The potential blood biomarker is a protein neurofilamentlight (NfL) in TBI patients. NfL stays elevated until the brain is healed. It has the potential for easier monitoring a TBI patient’s healing over time. High levels of NfL indicate that there is something wrong with the nervous system, and this also happens in multiple sclerosis (MS) and dementia. See the post by @Wired (link below) based on an article in @Science Translational Medicine 9/2021. MRI scans are used to determine initial damage to brain axons (a neuron's root-like fibers that connect other neurons), but some damaged axons elude the MRI scan detection. Axon damage is a big deal since Cognition & Motor Functions decline when neurons can’t exchange messages. The NfL tests potentially can help neurologists to prescribe meds and track the brain healing process. PLUSES: .... 1) Detects if there is axon damage that may have eluded the MRI scan = more accuracy; .... 2) Helps doctors monitor brain damage healing based on if NfL decreases; .... 3) Helps to gauge when the patient is ready to resume physical activity, return to work, driving a car, etc.

The primary initial tracking of axon damage via MRI scan analysis is available with the @icobrain AI from the @icometrix company which provides Quantitative Analysis of MRI scans for tracking the status of brain disorders of TBI, MS, and Alzheimer's. For more information about icobrain visit

#NfL #TBI #traumaticbraindamage #neurofilamentlight #axons #MRI #MRIscan #whitematter #neurologists #MS #multiplesclerosis #dementia #alzheimers #AI #Artificialintelligence #quantitativeanalysis #diagnosticimaging #diagnosticaccuracy #neurons #braindisorders #neuroradiologists

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?The article title:

This Protein Predicts a Brain’s Future After Traumatic Injury ? 3 min read


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