Help Charles Kings English LLM - who's AIGood who out of 4 hemispheres

Help Charles Kings English LLM - who's AIGood who out of 4 hemispheres

Let's begin with illuminating some jargon. Vision how to share the mediation challenge Charles set in launching Kings AI World Series Fall 2023 out of Bletchley London to Korea, Paris & many other co-pilot spaces of commonwealth and other purposes of Kings English

Transnational mediation of greatest Entrepreneurial Revolution leap ever


Artificial~Engineered (before man made engines first Diarised by Adam Smith out of Glasgow 1760s all systems compounded around nature or human relationship energies. Glasgow engines introduced (3rd) machine energy as well as the conflict of needing to feed and deal with waste of machines and humans - conflicts needing transparent intergenerational mediation.

Mediating Era of 99% worldeepmind ignorance to 99% Kings English Intel

I dont actually know intelligence's definition- in KE, From Fei Fei Li's phd I see I feel its nothing much ado with psychology test designed in pre-digital ages. Awkwardly this means that everything studied or taught in millennials 21st needs inter-discipled transformation as old metrics do not flow intelligently enough. At a species level its something to do with will humans remain nature's favored species- what I guess UN means by sustainability (another world that nobody has shown me how to mathematically value)

Four regions i intend to first focus guides to Kings English out of are:

  1. London-Cantab as that's where most of my learning up to age22 occurred
  2. Washington DC (or East Coast views of humanity's purpose)
  3. The Valley on West Coast
  4. Asia's JFK (ie Japan Formosa Korea) places King Charles and my family have searched continuously since Tokyo Olympics 1964.

Of course it would be great to learn- whose AIverygood connections am I missing out of these 4 spaces for deep minds? Or are you collab able to correspond for another space?

Here is my current register of AI to understand first out of DC region

Coming soon; guide to sources The Valley constructed round these exponentials. In 1951 the Queens Royal Society newsletter on economics started to be trained round exponential future questions of Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Their future foresight: some peoples would be privileged to be first to co-pilot with trillion+ Moore tech- what good would those people linkin around the world. Clearly Moore's Law and everything since has made Valley people co-pilots of trillions times more tech. Back in 1982 The Queens Economist newsletter surveyed why not silicon valley everywhere. At that time Anne Doerr was early in her lifetime learning curve searching/co-creating Venture Capital networks. Also in 1982 Condi Rice had begun her quest experimenting with what Stanford did with students and teachers time.

She has continued to do so. Recently the two united with Stanford's first new school in 70 years on sustainability. This school leads us to exploring 20 more intelligences

Similarly Condi Rice leads 11 engineers overall Policy advice SETR including that of Fei-Fei Li

With C-span Li (& Rice) started challenging Nations to vision AI policies in 2018, Now over 30 Nairrs exist as well as King Charles meta-nairr in Englih LLM.

In turn we can review several Valley-revolution events in 2000s that Rice needed to catch up with during her fecade away on Foreign Service

Example: 2009's birth of Deep Learning (at Satnfird Engineers Quadrangle) by Fei-Fei Li, Jensen Huang and Demis Hassabis - this included each's deepest friends eg Li's & Doerr's Coursera friends Ng, Koller. Lila Ibrahim(now deep minds chief guide to kings and vips out of London) -or taiwanese americans in case of Jerry Huang (5 Taiwanese Americans now know more than the rest of the world of converting chips beyond moore's law to first million times more "accelerate computing - Do you know who they are? And sixth comes ARM located close to King Charles AI Business Park in Cambridge. TO keep ahead the family Charles has posted to digitally twin Valley and other cities celebrating Kings English LLM also know a lot about the intersection between robotics, computer vision and quantum computing. How many countries yet plant digital dimplomats in their consuls? King Charles is in a frinedly rave to make sure English langage diplomacy is deep mind intelligent as well as feale diversity conscious across all hemispheres.

So it seems worth mapping who connects their A or I with wither AD or CR or KCor another 500 to appear in our last book in the 2025 genre begun in 1983 with economist and Von Neumann journalists.

"Moore" Soon! [email protected] Baltimo(o)re

Helena Fu US DoE (includes nation's ring of 17 supercomputer labs)Places that get next infrastructure right with AI could get 100 yers of advances within a decade!

July 2024 - special thanks to Axios & Sponsors Nvidia & Dell - this dialogue explains how US department of energy plays multiple roles - in effect the DofE is best placed to understand intelligence integrated when energy and digital connect human development

===============please mail us if we have left out a key exchange in world of gpu accelerated computing nit linear cpu

Partners in accelerated computing architecture - deep learning: see Huang family lab at Stanford engineering quadrangle - benchmark nvidia and partners: deep learning acceleration started 2009 feedback from demis hassabis and fei-fei li, andrew ng :jensen had already been interested in games- biotech pattern recognition eg with boston mass; Fei-Fei's point that best if machines see before as autonomous robots they self-govern data:

algorithm designers eg ilya, andrej, transformation 7 as wellas fei-fei li

new code and arts design - eg founder pixar, adobe, also computer art at moma

full stack code from cuda t ominverse lab for 2e-3d to complete infrastructure - eg id usa department of ebergy continues configuration around 17 supercomouters what does that look like not just as computer resource but as energy and digital infrastrucrures connect; also idea of digital twins - some big companies use twin to wrk out efficent energy use if they move from cpu to gpu

biggest leaps from hassabis pattern models - life science and natural science sectors including climate and other nanotech predicted by einstein 1905 papers!

110 Josh Parker, senor director, corporate sustainability Nvidia & 190 John Pleuger Climate Arcitect Dell

particular platforms - eg inspired by exchange with musk, nvidia offered a system for working through all details of driverless cars

-relatrionships with eg FAMAG - what does accelerated computing version of facebook, apple, microsoft amazon google evolve into

relationships of AI in computers eg dell , in mobile eg apple, in work stations of eg Hewlett packard

data sovereignty - eg what future barbados, or 50 SIDs, or any region that is naturally 100% green with no critical minerals to trade

how does each sector change if accelerated computing is industrial rev 4.0?

how does all this change education nit just colleges, schools but every practice skill

Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,

7 个月

Continuing 100 inspired by Nvidia Jensen Huang - 111 Austin Carson now ai & nairr education seedai has championed nairr with fei-fei li 6 hours public meeting march 2023, oct 2023 testimony to senate ai committee - previously nvidia gov affairs dc, 112 Anima Amandkumar dr ML nvidia also caltech... nb yesterday's breakthrouhj insights with DoE sponsored by nvudia, dell, axios http

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Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,

7 个月 CHANGE THE GAME HEADS OF STATE SPORTS FOR SDEV- Congrats Mayor of Paris Hirago, Yunus Sports Hub, Frances Aid FDA, Unesco - hope Paris Olympics twins with King Charles AI leg 3 where we have many co-leaders eg Melinda Gates womens networks sponsoring Basketball's Aja Wilson (see book dear black girls with Fei-Dei Li book Worlds I see), BJ King & Naomi Osaka's tennis cluster uniting royal families of UK and Japan and why not Osaka AI Expo 2025 with AI-4-all co-sponsor Jensen Huang, BJ King AI friend Benioff Sales force - see some of 2025report's first of 500 good intelligence large language mediators 4,14,15,18, 70-72 with Kings English anf hopefully the republics French

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Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,

7 个月

Help make future of anyone who speaks AI good also more on anyone in DC connecting good a at



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