Help Buyers Cross The "Change Chasm" And Become Clients

In today's article, I'll walk you through how to convert a B2B buyer's resistance to change and guide them to become a client.?

r a buyer to finalize a purchasing decision, they need a reason to buy, as well as a compelling reason to change their behavior patterns and break away from the status quo.

A purchasing decision is a change issue before it's a solution issue.

Most buyers are naturally content with the status quo; few people want to go through the hassle of doing something different simply because it's easier to stick with what is known. When faced with a purchasing decision, many B2B buyers adhere to the adage: "When in doubt, do nothing different."

Unfortunately, the customer's "do nothing different" behavior costs organizations and sellers millions of dollars in lost sales opportunities.

Suppose you're looking to break through this monumental problem.

In that case, explore beyond the customer's buying journey, delve into the buyer's thinking patterns and emotions,?and become familiar with the psychological (human) factors: fear, risk aversion, values, outdated mental models, ego, and prestige, that immobilize them.

Gaining insight into the buyer's psychological roadblocks provides sales reps with a roadmap to influence behavior change and position themselves to win their business.

You don't need to be a psychiatrist or psychologist to influence buyer's to shift their purchasing habits; just follow these four steps:

  1. Focus on the?buyer's change journey, the psychological factors—how they think, what they believe, and how they feel—impacting their purchasing decisions from an organizational and individual perspective.
  2. Determine the buyer's?rational?and?emotional?reasons for initiating change or sticking with the status quo. Again, the focus is on the buyer's?change?journey, obstacles buyers encounter on their path to purchase, not the reasons you believe they should buy your product or service. That conversation takes place later in the selling process.
  3. Respectfully help buyers realize that there's an impact and consequence if they don't change their behavior. Then, depending on how severe the buyer views the implications, they are more likely to initiate change. Don't lose sight of what your mission is. You're not looking to change anyone. You're simply helping buyers shift their purchasing habits by asking impactful questions and professionally challenging them to see things differently. Peter Senge, a senior lecturer at MIT, pointed out that "people do not resist change, but resist being changed."
  4. Help buyers cross the "change chasm" by creating a vision of how?they?benefit from it and a frictionless roadmap to arrive on the other side of change and become a client.

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