Hello & Welcome

Hello & Welcome

Welcome to The Social AgTech Newsletter by dmtr! We're thrilled to have you join us on this journey towards a more food secure future for our planet, where nobody has to go hungry. Whether you're passionate about addressing global hunger, eager to learn how you can contribute, or keen to discover and support innovative solutions in the field of agriculture and technology, you've come to the right place.?

In each edition of our newsletter, we'll provide you with a curated selection of the latest news, insights, and stories from the frontlines of the fight against hunger. From groundbreaking technologies to inspiring initiatives making a real difference in communities worldwide, we'll keep you informed and inspired.?

In this inaugural edition, we'll delve into the critical importance of bridging the gap between rainfed and irrigated agriculture, explore innovative solutions, and highlight the impact of accessible and sustainable farming practices on global food security. Plus, we'll take a look into the introductory episodes of The Social AgTech Podcast by dmtr, where we dive deeper into the intersection of social impact, agriculture, and technology. Join us as we embark on this mission to shape a brighter future for all through the power of innovation and compassion. Welcome aboard!

The Social AgTech Podcast?

Join us for the debut episodes of The Social AgTech Podcast by dmtr, where we unravel the complexities of global hunger, our role in achieving a hunger-free world and dive deeper into the personal journeys of Arian and Dion as we explore the imperative need to address hunger and malnutrition through candid conversation and action.

This Month's Blog

Dive into the critical nexus of water scarcity and agriculture, exploring the transformative power of irrigated farming in combating global hunger and climate change while promoting sustainable development. Join us as we navigate through environmental uncertainties and empower farmers to bridge divides for a future of food security and resilience.

Project Spotlight

This month we take a look at OpenHarvest, a collaboration between IBM and Heifer International that has produced an open source mobile application to provide access to smart farming recommendations and specialized weather forecasts to help farmers build resilient and flexible operations.

Join us as we experience the impact of OpenHarvest in Malawi! Journey through the vibrant countryside and witness farmers empowered with tools to reduce hunger. Thanks to IBM and Heifer International, communities thrive with increased yields and the power to change and reduce hunger together!

News of the Month?

Our key news and report highlights of the month in food system transformation for a food secure planet.

Innovation and Agritech in Agriculture

  1. Heifer Africa's new report highlights the positive effects of innovative methods and catalytic financing on creating jobs for youth and increasing the income of smallholder farmers in Africa.
  2. WFP innovation lessons learned: The World Food Programme's report shares key lessons from innovative projects aimed at tackling global hunger and enhancing food security.
  3. New Report Calls for Inclusive Agritech Innovations to Improve Food Security: The report urges the development of inclusive agritech solutions to boost food security, stressing the importance of making technology accessible to all farmers.

Partnerships and Financing in Agriculture

  1. ThriveAgric and Acorn Rabobank have partnered to give Nigerian farmers access to carbon credits, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and providing new income opportunities.

Agricultural Transformation and Food Security

  1. UN Zero hunger session emphasizes the need for internal agricultural transformation to achieve food security, advocating for sustainable practices and local initiatives.

William T. Lanier

Replacing SSA Grain Postharvest Loss with Nutrition

8 个月

Applaud the dmtr initiative and critical thinking about the big development players like WFP and CGIAR. Regardless every year, food rots in the field, or later on, because of inadequate storage, CGIAR research and WFP priorities. https://www.NATURE.com/articles/d41586-020-02849-6 Thriveagric and other input centered approaches, ignore phenomena like African postharvest production and input loss (PHL). PHL is the difference between production and yield of nutrition that substitutes imports. https://phceres2030.net



