Hello teachers it's appraisal time
We hear this quite commonly; teacher’s uses notes of some old student and continue to use it, teachers are not innovative, teachers have no feedback mechanism or some cousin of yours saying to the younger one who would go to the same school as the former, “Oh!! That teacher, did he/she told you about the lorry story”, or something like that or did he/she gave "this" example for refraction light?
Sounds similar and normal? Have we ever wondered why this situation and why teachers get branded like this?
The answer my friend is; teacher’s job is a one off job. Yes “ONE-OFF”. They teach only once. Unlike any other profession where we need to interact with same people multiple times, teachers DO NOT interact with the same set of students more than ONCE. Different classes, different topics may be yes.
This situation has given complacence to them, some even egoistic that they have no feedback and appraisal like any other profession. No wonder “Instructional Design” is of any significance to them. Once done for a topic, they carry it for their life time. Same example, same problems, same tone, same intonation, same activity, same etc.
Is there a solution for this? Perhaps yes. Schools should insist of preparing lesson plans every year afresh. The old one goes for archiving. New one should be different, more inclusive, more activity based, more sustainable, better multi disciplinary, more hands on, more out of the class learning. May be this is the appraisal process.
Today lesson plan is passé, concept plan is in. Anyone know about it?
The reason why I thought of writing about this is, I went for an English play yesterday “Free Incoming” here in Mysore. I will not review the play, but what brought my memory back is, in olden days (80’s to mid 90’s) and what I hear certainly earlier, most of the literary activities had people coming in from academia. University lecturers, Professors, former VC’s, teachers and certainly some interested non academic people like me and rarely some school students. Yesterday I saw the same set of people who are all retired getting hefty pensions. No new faces, more importantly no school teachers, some looked like graduate and PG literature students.
School teachers who live by teaching, storytelling, acting, conveying an idea, concept, correcting our language, were no were to be seen. I really wondered why. It was then I came to the above conclusion. Unless, we as a society put a bench mark on teachers, they are not interested any literary or cultural off school activities, no feedback, no networking, certainly no new learning, unless we put a carrot before them.
I may sound harsh here, bur sit back, take a deep breath and mull over it. Let’s discuss this point.