Hello September 2022 - 2nd September 2022 - 78 (Seventy-eight) months on - Oh, Dearest Mum Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa......... ???? ??????? ??? ????

Hello September 2022 - 2nd September 2022 - 78 (Seventy-eight) months on - Oh, Dearest Mum Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa......... ???? ??????? ??? ????

Hello September 2022 - 2nd September 2022 - 78 (Seventy-eight) months on - Oh, Dearest Mum Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa......... ???? ??????? ??? ??????

Hello everyone - greetings on this September 2022. I usually publish the monthly article on the 2nd of the month as on the 2nd of March 2016, life as I knew it changed and changed forever. It was the day when my beloved Mum Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa went into her eternal sleep. God repose your soul oh Mum.

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I usually commence such entries with a short prayer, so here is a short prayer by an anonymous person:

Lord grant me a mind free of worry, a heart free of sadness and a body free of sickness.

but today, and in addition to this very simple prayer, I am adding and commencing this entry with a verse from the book of Deuteronomy, and both the short simple prayer and the Bible verse remind me of what Mum was always repeating to me, especially when I come to her advising her of what I am afraid of what I might be facing, she would directly say:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or scared of them; for the Lord your God himself is who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6)?

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Indeed, Mum usually would repeat to me hey Theodora you must tell yourself: "no matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, I am going to make it"... and she was always right, but the truth is that if it was not for her and my family I would not have done it. Indeed, Mum would always take no excuses for not being active or participating in social event repeating the famous saying: No matter how you feel, get up, show up, and never give up.

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Indeed, the above describes briefly what and how I obtained the strength and wisdom from my Mum. The following simple poem of the September 2022 calendar highlights this, as if it is explaining my life:

Take centre stage in your life! Remember all those that love you.

Look out to your new horizons, to a beautiful world, and interesting people.?Let the world know you are here!

You are a unique, amazing person, you are the lead actor in your life, share your thoughts and feelings.

Project your message to all who are prepared to listen.

Thank you for your wonderful presence and your warm caring heart.

May you achieve all your dreams and passions, and find joy along life’s journey.

You have centre stage, and you are allowed to take a bow, I hear the audience cheering for you!?

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This month read this poem from the September 2022 Calendar:

Mum, you have created a nest, and nurtured me through every stage of my life. [Very true...Oh Mum]

When I was a fragile egg, the gentleness of your love kept me safe and warm. [Indeed... this feeling that I miss now very dearly... Oh Mum]

When I began to spread my wings and made mistakes, your understanding and words of encouragement kept me true. [Oh... how helpful these small talks were, and some of the statements shared above... Oh Mum]

Wow, when I soar and explore my world, it is your spirit that assures me that I am safe. [Oh... I am not sure this feeling that comes to me now every time I travel, I would generate a feeling within me that when I call home you will answer, and when I travel back home, you will be receiving me... it hurts oh Mum...]

You know my heart and you guide my head. [Oh... you knew me better than I knew myself...Oh Mum]

It is because I feel your acceptance that I have the courage to explore and discover new heights. [No matter how many times I say this, it was your unconditional acceptance that created in me the courage to enhance my horizons... Oh Mum]

Wherever I roam, wherever I land, Mum, I know that you hold me in your heart. [I knew it... it was your heart that held me no matter where I land or roam, but now I am sure it is your spirit Oh Mum that holds me...]

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Knowing you are there for me gives me so much joy and confidence. [How pleased I was when I knew you were there and you were keeping my back which enhanced my joy and confidence - now I call upon your spirit to support me and be with me... Oh Mum]

From the very beginning, safe in my nest, you have shown me love and wisdom, and you have continued to guide me through life. [Indeed, you always guided me showed me love and wisdom, which I miss very dearly, but I am now feeling that your spirit has taken over Oh Mum...]

I hope to return the love and care you have shown for me. [I always felt the huge love and care you rendered me even when I became independent you continued to feel responsible on meeting my needs and supporting me... I hope I was an obedient and honouring daughter just to repay a bit of the huge debt Oh Mum....]

You are so appreciated. [Oh Mum...]

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In the usual manner, and as we did while you were with us in flesh conclude any talk with verses from the Holy Bible:

You always taught me oh Mum that:

"But you?seek?first?the?kingdom?of God and his?righteousness, and all of?these?things?shall?be?added?to you." (Matthew 6: 33)?

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The following verse is also relevant here, you always was seeking good pearls, and have been seeking the kingdom of heaven in all what you were doing on this earth oh Mum...

?Again, the?kingdom?of?heaven?is?like?a?treasure?which?is?hidden?in the?field,?which?a man?discovered?and hid, and?because?of his joy, he?went?and?sold?everything?he had, and?bought?that?field. Again, the?kingdom?of?heaven?is?like?a?merchant, who was?seeking?good?pearls. (Matthew 13: 44-45)?

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And, yes, and yes, and yes, you always repeated this verse to me and my siblings:

For how?will?a man be?benefited, if he?should?gain?the?whole?world?and?lose?his own?soul Or?what?shall?a man?give?in?exchange?for his?soul? (Matthew 16:26)

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As you taught me - I continue to pray, and these are prayers that were published during August 2022:

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Indeed, we started Spring, and your garden continues to be generous Oh Mum:

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In the usual manner I conclude this entry with this Syriac hymn that was shared earlier, received from Touma:

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Again, and again I am thankful and grateful to God the Almighty who honored and blessed me to be the daughter of Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa, and thank you all for taking the time to go through this article.

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On behalf of the Issa Family

Your Eldest daughter

Theodora Issa

PS:?Theodora acknowledges the sources used in coming up with this entry including the Issa Family archives for Mum's image shared in this entry, also some collected beautiful flowers, trees and other plants in the garden images that Theodora photographed this month, the two calendars of September 2022. The evening and morning prayer book 2006, according to the rite of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch. Also, Lamsa Holy Bible, and the Department of Syriac Studies.

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Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

2 年
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

2 年
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

2 年
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

2 年
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

2 年


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