To me, 2023 was the year my LinkedIn feed became an ugly mess of recruiter types hitting me up to hire their flavor-of-the-moment candidates, lead gen companies telling me how Froth & Fur could get 1000s of new clients, and AI bros telling me creativity was obsolete and to bow down to our non-human overlords.
I'm maybe simplifying a little.
But the fact remained. My feed went from semi-interesting to sucky this year. It probably didn't help that this "LinkedIn sucks!" POV of mine was reinforced by a whole lot of colleagues saying the same thing about their LinkedIn experience and how it'd gotten so bad that they'd stopped visiting the site.
So I decided to do something about it. For myself, of course. Because really in the end you can only change yourself.
First, I culled as much of my ugly mess of a feed as I could. That part was relatively easy. Then, I rethunk (it is so a word!) my ideal LinkedIn experience. I wanted to:
1) Be inspired by all the creative things people are doing, especially in media and technology. I have a crazy wide range of interests, and I'm very curious about how others are creating in this world.
2) Connect with interesting people I might want to work with, whether by hiring them or by Froth & Fur working with them on their projects. Truly interesting people who are doing cool things.
3) Give back. I haven't quite figured this out yet, but I know part of it is participating actively in conversations that matter to me and finding ways to share my own experiences when it makes sense to do so.
So there you have it. I'm actively looking for people who inspire me. People who are doing cool things. And not just at work.
And surprise! It's working: my ugly mess of a feed has started to become more interesting. LinkedIn is becoming more fun again. At least for me :-)
Hello and welcome!