Hello, (new) you.
Erik Boemanns
Leading you from IT risk to reward. A lawyer/technologist bringing executive expertise to IT GRC, privacy, and security. Together, we can reach your next level of success.
We just wrapped up “New You” November – a month filled with thoughts on how to grow, improve, and find your way to where you want to be. Now, it’s December, it’s time to say “hi” to your new self.
We’re wrapping up 2024, a difficult year for so many of us, whether personally or professionally. We typically look to the new year as one of optimism and a chance to start over. For many, 2025 brings more uncertainty than optimism. Wherever you fall on this, it’s important to remember your own goals are met through your plans and your actions. The external world absolutely influences them by slowing things down or speeding them up, but it's important to not allow it to change your direction (unless you feel called to do so).
We are guaranteed uncertainty. We can control our reaction to what it brings. Good plans are designed to prepare us for uncertainty and adapt themselves to stay on goal but deal with new circumstances. The network we are building can help create some resilience around the risks we’ll face. Community makes us stronger and building or engaging with community is one of the ways to help you reach your own goals. So be sure to include your safety network in your plans and don’t stop investing there just because things seem good otherwise.
The network we are building can help create some resilience around the risks we’ll face.
December can be a great month for resting. Much of the world slows down for the holidays and the end of the year. If you’re using it to recharge your own batteries, spend time with family, or even just with yourself, you don’t have to worry too much about falling behind. Conversely, December can also be a great month to ramp up your activities. Because much of the world is resting, what you accomplish in December can get you further ahead than everyone else when January comes around. Either approach, or something in between, is all a good choice – as long as it works for you.
As you’re making the decision, consider having a conversation with future you. There are many ways to do this – out loud (talking to yourself), on paper (writing a letter from future you to today), or with the help of an AI chat bot. If you use an AI chat bot, you may be able to ask it what it knows about you today, and then have it pretend to be future you. Then, you can just have a conversation with this “simulation” of you from the future. Whichever approach you take, the point of the exercise is to think about where you’ll be in five or ten years, and some of the steps you’ll hopefully have taken to get there.
Taking the time to create a forward-looking plan and then a reverse looking reflection can give you a strong point to kick off your efforts. Whether you’re battling imposter syndrome or pure uncertainty, giving yourself both perspectives can help give you a boost of confidence that your plans are possible. There’s no way to know how it will all play out, but at least you can move forward from December 2024 and know you’ll soon be able to tell your new you:
“Hello, you.”
Upcoming Event
I've been doing Cybersecurity Coffee Chats on and off over the last two years. As LinkedIn is getting rid of their audio event format, this will be the last one using this format.
Be sure to join!
Friday, December 13th, 8am-9am Eastern Standard Time
Week In Review
We enjoyed Thanksgiving here in the United States as well as wrapped up the month of November.
Here's what was on the mind over the holiday week:
As we turn to December, let's keep the great conversations going!
Cyber Monday
Whether Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday, Mirability, LLC is offering a free email security assessment.
Check out the details here:
In Conclusion
Welcome to December and the end to 2024. Whether that's good news or bad news, we're all wrapping things up together and headed into the new uncertainly of tomorrow. Our "safety network" gives us strength and resilience to face the uncertainty. I'm glad you're part of it!
If you're still looking for a new job to kick off in December (or 2025), and want to be in the job seeker spotlight, the You Just Found ME?? job seeker spotlight is free to all jobseekers! Send me a note!
As I'm growing my business, I'm looking at how to engage with private equity firms, law firms, and start-ups facing their next challenge - so if you're connected to any of these worlds, let's chat soon! I also offer referral bonuses to any work you bring me through Mirability, LLC - if you're interested. If there's anything I can help you with, I'd love to hear about it.
Thanks, as always!
Be sure to check out my new online merchandise. Remember, 100% of the profits for any You Just Found ME merchandise goes to support that program for job seekers!
If you want to keep up with everything I’m posting, click here and also the bell (??) to be notified when I post!
Follow You Just Found ME?? to help support job seekers!
Follow Mirability, LLC to learn more about how I'm solving unique technology problems!
Subscribe to my Substack here: https://ebspoke.substack.com/
I'm on Medium as well: https://ebspoke.medium.com/
Check out #EBSpoke for more of my recent posts here...
About Erik
Erik Boemanns is a technology executive and lawyer. His background covers many aspects of technology, from infrastructure to software development. He combines this with a "second career" as a lawyer into a world of cybersecurity, governance, risk, compliance, and privacy (GRC-P). His time in a variety of companies, industries, and careers brings a unique perspective on leadership, helping, technology problem solving and implementing compliance.
He's available to help you with any of this now too!