Hello my name is Kinos
Eric Robillard
President and Owner of Kinos, Creative Art Director and Image Consultant, Poster and Book Cover Designer, Illustrator, Photoshop Black Belt, Branding and Image Professional
My company is named Kinos. That name has been chosen since the beginning in 2003, and the question I am asked most often is: “What does it mean?” So, I decided to explain the process that brought me to choose that name.
First, I wanted a short name – a single word. Why? Simply because I didn’t want to have a super long email address. I really hate when email addresses are a mile and a half long, so that was reason number one.
Then, I wanted a name that starts with the letter “K.” Why? Marketing teaches us that the “K” holds particular power and significance. Several studies indicate that brand names starting with the letter “K” are more memorable and effective in terms of brand recognition. This trend can be attributed to the fact that “K” is a strong and distinct consonant often used to convey qualities such as strength, durability, and innovation.
Next, Kinos is the only graphic studio specialized in cinema in Quebec. Truth be told, I am not German, but in the German language, “Kinos” is the plural of “Kino,” which means “cinema.” This meaning further strengthens the direct association of the company with the cinematic field. The name of my graphic studio immediately evokes specialization in visuals for cinema and visual media, which is highly relevant to our business activities. We now work in many different fields, but the entertainment industry remains our first love. And they say you never forget your first.
Oh, there’s also this obscure film called “Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles (not sure you’ve heard of it…), considered the most influential film in American cinema. The letter “K” is very important to the lore of this film – the title “Citizen Kane” has 11 letters, and the eleventh letter of the alphabet is… K. It appears 11 times in the film. Okay, I’ll admit it’s a bit out there, but it’s kind of cool, don’t you think? I analyzed this film in college and fell in love with that level of meta-information or secrets behind its creation.
In Greek, “kinesis” means “motion,” which brings us back to the concept of “image in motion,” hence to “cinema” again.
In Japanese, “Ki” translates to “vital energy.” Ki is the energy that supports life. Connection and flow: Ki connects the individual to the universe and flows through the body. Martial arts and healing: Used in practices to enhance health and the effectiveness of movements. KI is the actual Force from Star Wars. How cool is that? I still haven’t mastered the Jedi mind trick yet, or maybe it just doesn’t work on my wife and kids. I’ll keep practicing! But when it comes to our work, the Kinos team are truly Jedi Masters.
So, that’s about all the thought that went into my company’s name. One day we should talk about my logo.
No one really knows why or how a company name came to be; you might just use your family name or your initials. Not everyone is a geek like me and likes to find meaning in minor, obscure details, but it’s fun, don’t you think?
Where does your company name originate? What does it mean to you? Feel free to share. I am genuinely curious.