The Hello Monday Master Class starts now. Lesson ONE: here's how to define your values.
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?? Introducing the Hello Monday Master Class!
We've distilled the essence of hundreds of conversations into five essential rules that will empower you to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape. From knowing when to quit to navigating uncertainty to asking for more, this series is your guide to excellence. Tune in each Thursday through the end of June for actionable insights and collaborative exercises to elevate your career! Then, join us in the Hello Monday Group to complete an exercise together and connect.
1?? Lesson one: KNOW YOUR VALUES.
Elizabeth Gilbert: If you think you're in a career but you hate it and you're bored and it's killing you, quit it and just go get a job
That was Elizabeth Gilbert a long time ago now, on one of our earliest episodes of Hello Monday. And she had this lightning rod perspective on jobs and careers. I mean here I was launching a show about work, and she was like…yeah…careers. Not everyone needs one.
What she was getting at, of course, is that most people need some sort of work to pay the bills. That’s just true. And most of us are going to spend a third of our adult lives working.?
That’s about 90,000 hours.
So its incumbent upon all of us to figure out what it means to use that time well. So how do we do it? WE KNOW OUR VALUES.
From LinkedIn News, this is Jessi Hempel, stick around for the Hello Monday Master Class.
Hello Monday is our show about the changing nature of work, yes, but mostly if you’re a regular listener you know, we focus on how we must CHANGE to be prepared for this future.
In the last five years, I’ve invited hundreds of guests into the studio. CEOS. Celebrities. Many of the most important thought leaders in business BUT ALSO plenty of people like YOU or ME, people who are learning as we go. And have figured out this or that important lesson.?
And over time, the same answers come up to many of our questions. And I feel it’s fair to say that at this point, we know a lot about work right now. So this spring, I’m bringing you a master class. I’m going to condense what we’ve learned into five crisp lessons.
The timing is just right. A sea of newly minted graduates are just hitting the job market. Even if you aren’t on a school schedule, this is the time when people start to slow down a bit, vacation, zoom out and start to contemplate transitions. If you listen to Hello Monday a lot, here’s the opportunity to send it to someone in your life who might get a lot from it.
And it you’ve just found us, welcome. It’s great to have you.
We start our Master Class with lesson one: KNOW YOUR VALUES.
What Liz Gilbert is getting at? when she suggests we get a job is that we need to know WHY we are making any choice we make when it comes to our working lives. Liz found herself in an unexpected position in her own life. She wrote this book, Eat Pray Love–it wasn’t the first one she wrote, and I don’t even know if it’s the one she has loved the most. It became an overnight sensation and catapulted her into a role she never expected as a voice of Gen X women looking for a kind of culture freedom that has felt out of reach. Seriously, this has sold more than 12 million copies so far and became a movie with Julia Roberts.
But that was a long time ago.?
After all of that, all of that huge market sensation, Liz had to figure out what she did. She was a writer. And why she did it. Because she felt called. Now, nearly two decades later, these experiences have given Liz a scaffolding for thinking about careers.
Listen to this:
Elizabeth Gilbert: Okay. I think there's sort of four different entities that often get blended together in people's minds. And that, I think part of the problem where people get stuck or even traumatized on the career path is that they mix all these things up. So it's hobby, job, career, vocation, and, and they're all different, right? So a hobby is something that you do because it's fun and you like it and you don't need anything back from it. You just do it because it's, it's, it's delightful. It fills your days, it fills your nights. It doesn't need to be your career, right? [JESSI: Right] It can just be a hobby. Or a job is a thing you have because everyone has to have one and it doesn't need to – a job doesn't need to fulfill your emotional life because you can have a job and then you can have your life outside of your job. So you have your job that you go to to pay the bills. And then you have your life outside of your job, where you do your hobbies and your pursuits and your family. And it might not be the most interesting thing in your life, but whatever. You've got to pay the bills. A career is something that you should be passionate about. So a career is a job that you deeply care about. That's the difference between a career and a job. And if you're in a, if you think you're in a career but you hate it and you're bored and it's killing you, quit it and just go get a job [BOTH LAUGH] or change it and get a career in something that you're passionate about. It's okay to just have a job. Not everybody needs to have a capital C career because you can have a whole life outside of that. And then the other one is vocation, which is like a sacred calling of something that is very holy to you, that is the center of your life that you know can never be taken away from you no matter what.??
There are a precious few people who follow their vocations without even thinking about it–and get really rich while doing it. But most of us, we’re piecing it together. Trying our best. Faced with myriad decisions all time, and looking for validation that we are making those decisions well.
That’s where our values come in. Our values become the lens through which we can make big career decisions–and small ones too–with conviction. So many people in our studio reference values. But one recent conversation that stood out to me was with Suzy Welch. She’s a journalist and she’s been around a long time. She’s had a lot of chapters to her own career, and she currently teaches the most popular class at NYU’s Stern School of Business. It’s called: “Becoming You: Crafting Your Authentic Life and Career.”
Here’s Suzy:
All of us at some point quite, unfortunately, quite late in our lives, find that we're finally living our authentic lives. Okay? And the job for us is not to change and adapt, but for us to figure out what our authentic lives are earlier and get there faster, because that is where we're going to find meaning and purpose and the kind of satisfaction that hopefully has an outcome of happiness.?
Here’s how Suzy describes an authentic life:
I would say your authentic life is when you are living at the intersection of your truest, deepest, realist values, your most natural inborn aptitudes and your personality, um, and then also the areas of economic growth that interest you.
And the intersection of those three areas, we call that, in my class, your area of transcendence
And that is the work we do together is to determine what are your authentic values, which I'm going to throw out there and say almost no one actually knows their real values.
Jessi: Which of those three categories is actually the most difficult for your group??
Suzy Welch: Hands down, it's values. Because we can test for aptitudes, and everyone should test themselves for aptitudes. And personality, a lot of times there is a gap between what we think about ourselves and how the world experiences us? by certain age, the world tells us how it experiences us. Um, and what areas interest us, we, we generally kind of know, But values are hard because there are so many forces in our life that steer us or block us from living our authentic values.
I understand why Suzy’s class is so popular. Her students arrive a bit fuzzy on their life goals, and she helps them to focus. And by the time the semester wraps, they’re expected to present their “area of transcendence.”
Suzy Welch: And so they know that from the first day that they're going to stand up on the last day and say, here's where I'm going and here's how I'm getting there. And, I say to them very clearly, no one is going to stay on this path, because life happens. You know, someone's that you love, is going to leave you, or die, or you're going to lose your job, or you're going to discover midlife, something that changes everything.
But as Lewis Carroll said, if you don't know where you're going, just about any road will do., isn't it more, um, Deliberate and intentional to say, based on my values and my aptitudes and my interests, this is where I probably should be going so I don't get distracted. One of the most gratifying things that happened to me was, maybe the second or third or fourth time I taught the class, I had a fantastic student.
He did the hard, hard work of figuring out his area of transcendence. It was very exciting. His wife was pregnant at the time. And he actually gave up a job to change jobs to accordance with his area of transcendence. That's about it. Three, four days after class ended, he called me, Professor Welch, I have a problem.
I've just been offered this fantastic job, and here's what it is, and I'm thinking of blowing everything up and taking this fantastic job. And I, I mean, I knew the minute he said it, it was a crazy idea, so far off of what, the work we had done. So we sort of redid the class together, and I said, I think the only reason you're taking this job is [00:22:00] expedience because your wife's about to have a baby and this job is 10 minutes away. You keep on saying you could walk to work. And so look, if your value is proximity to the baby after the baby's born. Let's change everything. But if that's not the actual number one value, you're changing everything, all the work we did. And he said, Oh my God, you're right.
It's just about, I keep on thinking I could come home at lunchtime and give the baby a bottle. And I said, look, that's a perfectly legit value, but you got to understand this job does not align with your aptitudes. This job in no way aligns with your interests. if your values have changed so that the number one value you have is seeing the baby at lunchtime, fine, let's talk again.
He said, I have to think about this. I said, please do. He calls back five minutes later, he goes, what was I thinking? I'm keeping my job. And I actually just talked to him recently and he was like, you saved me such a boneheaded move. And, and that is the beauty of the process.
Just about every successful person who has sunk into the deep chair in our studio to explain her path comes back to this idea: it’s critical to take the time to spell out our values.
And, Suzy says that while our aptitudes don’t usually change that much, our values really can. Like, I love adventure and seeing new things, and earlier in my career it was a core value. I optimized for it and chose to work as a journalist for a publication that had me on the road going to exciting places at least 50% of my time.
But now? I have two very young kids. So, travel isn’t my most important value. Right now, I value the ability to be flexible and to control when I travel.?
How about you? We’ll end each of these Master Classes with a challenge. If you’re not in it already, join us in the Hello Monday Group on LinkedIn.?
?? Our first challenge: 3 top values
This week, let’s identify our THREE TOP VALUES for our career choices. Start broad–make a running list of every value that is important to you. Once the list hits at LEAST ten, put it down for a minute, and then come back to it and circle the top three.?
This is where it might get hard. Remember, you can always change this in the future. But it’s important to keep it to three–to get real with yourself about what matters MOST. And, post that list of three.?
And while you’re there, take some time to read through other people’s challenges and give feedback. Ask a question, or just say: I see this! Good job!
The very best part of our show is the community we have built. So, let’s nourish it and help each other along.?
Thanks for listening!
And that’s our first Hello Monday master class! Stay tuned for the second of our FIVE MASTER CLASSES next Thursday!
Hello Monday is LinkedIn News’ weekly podcast about the changing nature of work—and how we must change to keep up. It's hosted by me, Jessi Hempel. Subscribe to the show's newsletter.
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