Hello, it's me....your body.
If your body could write you a letter, it might say something like this…
Er… hi. I’ve been trying to get in contact with you for a while but for some reason, you don’t seem to listen. I’ve been speaking progressively louder (sometimes I yell) but apparently it’s hard to hear when your head is in the sand. Of course, I’d suggest you pull it out but we both know how much you appreciate advice or anything that might challenge your comfortable operating system. Anyway, I’ve sent you numerous messages over the last year or so (headaches, weight-gain, constipation, stress hormones, blood pressure, anxiety, brain fog and diminishing energy levels, just to name a few) but sadly for me, it seems that you always have more important things to pay attention to.
In case you haven’t noticed, I work really hard to counteract the crazy things you do to me but I need to tell you that, although I am an amazing example of biology, you are killing me before my time with your irrational, indulgent and destructive behaviour. You take me for granted but it’s time to stop. More and more, I feel unwell and function poorly; not because of some unavoidable genetic issue but because of the things you choose to do to me. Yep, choose. You make the choices but I suffer the consequences. Please, please, please don’t kill me. I have so much potential. I can be so incredible for you, if only you would take proper care of me.
Sometimes you mistakenly think that you are me and I am you. Well, you’re wrong. To be honest, there are times when you’re little more than an ungrateful resident and I’m forced to adapt to your destructive ways. I am an amazing gift that you neglect and I want you to know that I would never treat you, the way you have treated me. In fact, I spend my life trying to protect you. Fight disease for you. Kill cancer cells for you. Heal wounds for you. Turn on the right hormones, to trigger the right responses, at the right times. I am here to serve you.
And every day, you have the opportunity to change your relationship with me. To treat me well. To protect me. Value me.
To love me.
* wise words from Craig Harper