H.E.L.L.O from SLN

H.E.L.L.O from SLN

Hello Dear

Come to think of it, silver isn't one of my top three colors or choice of accessories, but I have managed to make the name the first word of this newsletter. I am sure hearing the name conjures up the popular adage, "Every cloud has a silver lining”.

The cloud in this case is more than just what we see above us; it may represent a situation, event, occasion, or person. Silver lining denotes a positive prospect to a negative situation; the optimistic view of an outcome of events, learning from the lessons, and appreciating the blessings. I believe that life happens at the point where you have everything planned out but still get struck in the face. We've all been there, and at that moment, you need to decide how to deal with the blow and look for the silver lining in order to move forward.

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I've always wanted to share stories and put my thoughts down in writing, but every time I sit down to develop a plan to make this a reality, I wind up discouraging myself with reasons why I shouldn't. I mean, that's a lot of effort for someone who already has a full plate with other commitments. I was perplexed as to why I felt the urge to add more to this platter. I have had several what-if scenarios I considered:

- What if no one is interested in what I have to tell?

- What if my hypothesis is incorrect?

- What if I don't have enough time to keep up?

- What if no one bothers to open or respond to the content; many what-ifs and more.

I recently told myself to remove the what-ifs from the equation and focus on why I want to do this. Guess where we are today, Silver Lining Newsletter, an actualization of an idea.

This is the Silver Lining Newsletter (SLN), a newsletter focused on engaging with people, offering thought-provoking knowledge, and leaving a lasting impression. The bi-weekly deliverables will focus on life chronicles, career, relationships, family, friendship, self-development and growth, and a variety of other topics. When you read it, I hope you find it valuable, relatable, and useful.

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I'm not sure how I'll get over the what-ifs, but I assure I'll do all in my power not to harbor them. In the meantime, my name is Bisola. Books, Beach, Beauty, and Blessings are my four B-component. I am a spontaneous and cheerful Muslim lady who used to be hesitant to wear bright colors, approach people without an agenda, struggles to articulate her thoughts, and am currently on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. At an early age, I set out into the world and have never looked back. If you ask me what motivates me, I'll tell you that it's the kind of life I've always desired for myself.

Enough about me; I hope that when you are asked to identify yourself, you will be able to write an epistle without pausing because that is how I have been in recent times.

Once again, I'm hoping to make the most of my limited resources by keeping this constant as well as I can.

Please subscribe Silver Lining’s Newsletter and share with your friends and family.

Write to you soon!!!

Merci beaucoup,


Silver Lining’s Newsletter


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