Hello, fellow author! Long time no talk!
Megan Close Zavala
Empowering Talented Authors to Overcome Blocks & Make Publishing Dreams Realities | International Writing Coach, Editor & Mentor | turnthepagebookcoaching.com
I took a “social media sabbatical” in the fall, but that soon turned into more of an extended leave of absence. And while I missed connecting with authors and fellow book lovers in that area, I have been lucky to connect with them in many other ways:
I have been teaching classes for all ages, from “how to” classes (Writing a Children’s Book, Write Your Memoir) to classes that are just focused on creativity (my Journaling series, Creating Characters). It’s been particularly fun to work with kids – they just want to have fun and use their imagination and share their ideas.
Want to know about more upcoming classes? Check out my events page HERE.
This year marks 9 years of business for Turn the Page (!!!), and I have been lucky to work with some of the most wonderful people in the world. I worked on so many fantastic projects, and many clients’ books were published. (Stay tuned to the next newsletter for a selection of those fabulous titles!)
Interested in working together? Check out my services page HERE.
Want to hear what some clients have to say about working together? Check out my testimonials page HERE.
I’ve been fortunate to be welcomed warmly in the Holly Springs small business community following our move out there in 2021. In addition to attending network events and conferences, I’ve also been able to share what I know during several speaking engagements. The principles of good storytelling and communication can be used in countless areas and scenarios – you don’t have to be writing a novel to need good writing skills!
With my social media hiatus officially over, I will be back to posting on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you haven’t already, please connect with me – I’ll be sharing writing tips, publishing advice, word appreciation, and hopefully some content that will make you laugh a bit, too.
I truly hope that 2025 is the year for you and your book, and that your story will find its way into the hands and hearts of readers everywhere. Whether you’re a published author, or a writer just starting out, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I believe in you!