Why Questioning the Status Quo is NOT a Bad Thing...

Why Questioning the Status Quo is NOT a Bad Thing...

I just wanted to say hi to and thank everyone who works so hard trying to help others with substance abuse and/or mental health problems. It's not easy. At times it is frustrating. At times you want to throw in the towel. At times it is heartbreaking....But there are those moments, where it is the most rewarding thing you could possibly do, and know in your heart and soul, it’s what you were meant to do. For those who have hung in there all these years, who have continued to find what works best for their clients, rather than simply following the status quo, I have good news...the time has come!

Over the last thirty years, hundreds of well-constructed treatment studies have generated a mountain of evidence about successful approaches for helping people with substance use problems. These include motivational strategies, harm reduction, cognitive-behavioral therapies, positive reinforcement strategies for families, and medications, as well as other approaches. These approaches are FINALLY starting to filter into mainstream mental health treatment with an increase in public knowledge about their effectiveness. Increasingly as well, clients are educated about treatment differences, have increasingly come to understand that “one size doesn’t fit all."

Many of the treatment centers are now claiming to be "individualized" for each client, offer "evidence-based treatments" and offer other "alternatives besides AA". This is great. This is what I have been saying since the first edition of my book came out, way back in 2003! Now, we're getting somewhere. I am so happy that more and more people are finally accepting the fact that not everyone can get better with the same method. I am not questioning that 12-step programs have helped many people. That being said, there are millions of others who are still suffering who desperately need to know about their alternatives as well as where to find them.

. "One size doesn't fit all". That is the cornerstone of the message I have always, and am continuing to get out there, and it is what I believe in so passionately. In 2017, for the first time ever, I don't feel alone anymore in what I am trying to accomplish. There are as many paths to recovery as there are individuals, and it shouldn't matter what method(s) is used, as long as it works for them.

Robert Schoening

Drug and Alcohol Testing Consultant at Workplace Substance Abuse Consulting

7 年

Treatment providers should read this to get enlightened!



