Bimbo Oloyede
Media & Communication Specialist I Broadcast Veteran I Author & Keynote Speaker
If there ever was a time we could do with a reset, it would probably be now – cue in Thanos and the magical snap of his finger!
Dear Friends,
Unbelievable that August is already here, isn’t it? One month before the so-called ember months begin. I used to wonder why so many people approach the ember months with dread. Perhaps it’s the thought that the year is closing in on those goals and dreams that are yet to be achieved, or that that bad habit that is yet is to be kicked. At least at the beginning of September I usually receive one message or the other encouraging or praying for safe passage through the ‘ember’ months because they have been known to be fraught with tragic events and fatalities.
This year is different though. I haven’t seen so many people look forward to the end of the year as they seem to be doing now because guess what? The world has been actively ‘emberized’ since March! What do I mean, you say? Someone sneezed and before we could say “bless you”, we were faced with lockdown, self-isolation, physical distancing, uncertainty, joblessness, hunger, being broke, rioting, mass outrage and laying our loved ones to rest.
If there ever was a time we could do with a reset, it would probably be now – cue in Thanos and the magical snap of his finger!
Jokes aside though, the last seven months have been difficult for many and have pushed some of us to breaking point. Yet at the same time, we were presented with an opportunity to take better care of ourselves – physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. We learned to create; we learned that less is more; we learned to save by cutting back on TGIFs and Owambes; and last but not least, many of us found our inner life coach.
So, this August, let’s set our inner selves free. We have already served ‘our time’! We don’t have to be on the inside looking out. We don’t have to go into debt because of weddings, birthdays and funeral parties. We don’t have to worry about status symbols. We just have to keep as healthy as possible – mind, body and soul.
This August, let’s re-position ourselves and look at things from a different perspective. We have 5 months till 2021 and guess what? 5 is the number of grace! Let’s tap into the grace that comes with freedom. We’re free to imagine, free to suppose, free to dream, free to expect, free to grow, free to become, and free to hope… from now till December. Enjoy your freedom and have a blessed month.
Love and Light,