Hell yes or no
Vivienne Joy - Add NLP Coaching to Your Business
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I'm here to talk to you about your own boundaries and your own levels of manifestation. The hell yes or the hell no. Anything in between that is a, "what the hell am I doing this for?"
Everything in your life should be an "oh yes, this fills me with joy...it fills me with pleasure, it fulfils me, it makes me feel good". Or it should be a "no, it's not for me....it's not right for me at this time".?
You should have firm boundaries in place
I know somebody in the coaching world who always says "no is a full sentence", and I really quite like that. So you should have some very firm boundaries in place that have the things you say yes to, and the things you say no to, and if you haven't got that going on, you need to get that going on for yourself.?
Think about why you do things
Just think about all the things in your life right now. All the things you say yes to, all the things you say yes to but don't want to do, all the things you say no to and you probably would have liked to have done but you couldn't afford it, you didn't have the time, you didn't believe in yourself enough.?
I want you to think about all the hell yeses you would have had if you had the confidence, the finances in place, believed you had the time or that you were worth it. Because if you are not saying YES to the things that are right for you, you’re not saying yes to the life that you could be leading, you're saying no to a life that you could be enjoying. I just want you to think about that and how we can change it. I can help you if you need me to.