Hell on a treadmill…
Roger Sillence
I build lasting relationships with our customers, helping them scale by offering bespoke multi-function recruitment solutions | RPO | SoW l Retained | Exclusive
Recruitment like any job is stressful, however I would say the highs and lows of success are a lot more frequent. One minute you have secured a great client and delivered the perfect solution and the next it can feel like the world is swallowing you up.
Sitting at a desk all day battling these stresses isn't great for the body or your mental productivity. I see so many people including myself pushing through the day on coffee and the mid-afternoon run to the shops to get a bag of Haribo’s for that much needed sugar kick. This I know isn’t the right solution, I don't need Joe Wicks to tell me that. I also know that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is madness so as of today I'm going to change my approach to the working day and re visit my business day plan and add in a little self-improvement and exercise time.
One way that exercise can help boost productivity at work is through alertness. The experts say that when you exercise, you increase blood flow to the brain, which can help sharpen your awareness and make you ready to tackle the next big project. Perfect!!! Exercise can also give you more energy. Having more energy means feeling more awake at work. Win Win!!! Being on top of my game at my desk and in the gym will insure that I perform to the best of my ability.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not looking to be the next Alistar Brownlee but what I can do is increase my cardio workout each day, making small changes will have a big impact. So this 40 minutes of me time, hell on a treadmill as I like to call it shouldn’t be seen as a chore or an escape from the daily grind at the coal face of recruitment but more of an investment of my time.
The great thing at Talent Bristol is we give everyone the time in the day to go to the gym, actually we encourage it, plus and here is the bonus you don’t have to pay £70 odd a month for a fancy gym membership as we have a gym onsite with all the latest kit. Wish me luck, time to actually lose a few pounds!!!
If you are looking to join a recruitment consultancy that really does support your career aspirations and general well-being then drop me a line and we can have a chat. [email protected]