Hell is Real and for Believers – Part 2
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
This Broadcast looks at the reality of Hell and reports a series of pictures painted by a Korean woman who was taken to Hell to see what it was like. This is a salutary warning to believers that they need to live a life above sin. The torture as penalties for various sins are presented.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?" So if you don't believe, if you don't have a settled revelation of the reality of the Almighty Creator today and you expect something pleasant to happen when you die, I suggest you think again. It's really not pleasant; you could end up in your casket, in the crematorium oven, or haunting a child or friend or loved one; not pleasant at all.
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness, a cold, black terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So if at some stage in your life you momentarily believed in the reality of the Almighty, and you have crossed over from death to life and you've carried on living your life as though He doesn't exist then you should not be surprised if for eternity He ignores you. So again, if you are an Uncommitted Believer somebody with no relationship and you're living life and you think that something pleasant will happen when you die, you're in for a nasty shock.
The Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!" That's the opportunity folks. If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge -- a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may know as Jesus. I have broadcast a message a few weeks ago on the Glory of Death as a Committed Believer and I recommend that to you as a particularly important message.
Hell is Real and for Believers – Part 2 -- Overview
This Broadcast discusses the reality of Hell and that Hell is a place of correction for Believers after they die.
This message is taken almost entirely from a vision given to a young Korean artist who was taken to Hell and shown some of the many forms of torment and torture that is meted out to Believers for unrepented sin after they die and before they are taken to Heaven.
The images are graphic and are available on the Hell page on the Website. It's near the top of the Menu.
It is clear that there are very good reasons to deal with sin in this life and seek to live a life above sin.
This, of necessity, requires that we seek all truth else we will be judged for the lies that we thought were truths.
It is vital to pray "Father Judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" on a regular basis and then to deal with whatever you are shown.
Finally we will examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I had been a Strategic Management Consultant and Business Executive for the best part of 30 years. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message and I have been broadcasting for over a year and a half more or less every week. It's a huge body of knowledge there and how to get into a place of deep relationship.
See the Website www.ETIMin.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Mary asked: "Are there partial believers?"
Mary, in a sense yes and in a sense no. Either you believe or you don't believe. You either have a revelation that the Almighty exists or you don't have a revelation that the Almighty exists. So there is a binary choice -- either He exists or He doesn't exist. However, there are a huge number of unbelievers who think they're believers because they don't have a revelation of the reality of the Almighty and there are a great number of believers who have no relationship with the Almighty. Both of which categories I spoke about at the start of this programme and neither of them are in favour with the Almighty. They are going to find themselves in pretty horrible places when they die.
Tim asked: "Is everyone offered an equal place in the kingdom?"
Tim, at this moment in time, you can qualify for the most highest throne possible in Heaven that is currently not taken, and so can every human being on this planet. The opportunity is equal in that sense, depending on what you know today and depending on what your relationship with the Almighty is you may have a greater or lesser chance of achieving that, but if you really pull your socks up, pull out all the stops and climb into it and go for it, you can qualify for a very high throne and so can anyone else on the planet.
Larry asked: "How do good people get out of the bad that has happened?"
Larry, if you go back a few months, I have broadcast a series of messages on Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty. There is a whole section there on cleansing. If you put all of that into practice you will get rid of all the legacy, junk, bad stuff, curses, Demons that you brought with you in your life up to today. It's absolutely possible to get out of it, it's absolutely possible to put it behind you, it's absolutely possible to go forward in a strong relationship with the Almighty without sin.
Avery asked: "Does anyone live a life here that want to be a demon?"
Avery, as I understand that the very senior Satanists, the very senior Satan servants do at some level understand that when they die they will become a Demon and they are living their life in such a way that they will be a high-ranking Demon, but that's a very small number and I don't think that even they really comprehend the mistakes that they are making.
Phillip asked: "How would we believe enough to be worthy of a ministry?"
Phillip, you don't have to believe enough to be worthy of a ministry -- you have a ministry. You are called to a ministry. As I said last week, you're either a prophet, a spokesman, or an evangelist, or a shepherd, or a new believer and every one of us is called to do something for Father. Nobody is called to sit on a bench and listen to somebody else for the rest of their lives. It's a complete anomaly, it's completely abhorrent to Father, He wants you to be serving Him and doing things to serve Him.
Francis says: "This gives a lot of things to think about and do."
Yes indeed Francis, it does. My journey has been a long one as I say 27 plus years, huge amount on the website, over a thousand webpages, printed books over 9,000 pages, lot to think about, lot to do and a lot to give you a good start compared to where it was when I started.
Jasper says: "How can we know if our sins are forgiven before death?"
Jasper, by faith. If you pray the appropriate prayers believing that your prayers will be answered, you will know that your sins have been forgiven, but you must take the bread and wine, you must pray in the name of Yahooshua, you must repent, confess your sins, and ask for forgiveness.
Joel says: "What should we do to recognize we have sinned?"
Joel, as I have just said, basically get on your knees, repent of what you have done and deal with it. If you are asking me how to know that you've sinned, you need to understand the Ten Commandments -- there is a lot on the website that will help you to understand what sin is. Hope that helps.
Body of the Article
Hell is REAL and is for Disciplining BELIEVERS with regard to Unconfessed Sin
There are many misunderstandings regarding the place that is commonly referred to as "Hell" -- the place of torment.
In particular Believers believe that Unbelievers are going to "Hell" and they, Believers, are going to Heaven.
Unbelievers generally do NOT believe there is a Hell, a place of torment and, for them, that is actually correct.
This Broadcast series references a number of reports of visions or out of body experiences reported by Believers who were taken to the place of torment we call Hell.
Folks, it's important to understand that telling an unbeliever they are going to hell is an outright lie. They are not going to hell. They are going to become a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon and if Satan loses the contest, they will then be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly consumed and destroyed. They won't go to hell, they won't be tormented and tortured in the way we're going to hear about this evening.
Visions of Hell
In listening to what follows please be aware of the following:
a. Father requires that I do not edit or censor other people's work so the articles that I summarize are presented just as I received them -- it is up to you to sift out any error there may be -- consult the rest of these broadcasts and the website for pointers.
b. In a vision or dream Father is constrained in terms of the Rules of Engagement to only confirm or clarify information that is already known to the recipient or to answer questions that they have explicitly asked. Accordingly, all visions and dreams are filtered through the knowledge, experience and beliefs of the recipient and are therefore to some extent coloured and may contain material error. So, if a person only knows the name of "Jesus" that is the name that will be interpreted by them in the vision, if they believe that "Jesus is God" they will interpret that Yahooshua is the Almighty in some form instead of that he is a man. See also the Article on "The Rules of Engagement" on the Website.
Folks, this is really important. I'm going to read out to you what is included in the document that I received and which is on the website under the "Hell" page. I'm not going to translate or interpret or correct; it is up to you to grow and to make your own decisions regarding what is truth, what is not. Be careful. I have given you the guidance you need in the last minute or so for the errors that may be contained in what I am about to read out to you.
May 2011 Pictures from Hell Drawn by a young Korean artist
An article was published on my mailing list in May 2011 titled "Pictures from Hell drawn by a young Korean artist."
What follows is based on an article containing paintings by a young Korean artist who was taken to Hell by Yahooshua and told to draw what she saw. These images are on the "Hell" page on the Website.
The images are graphic and terrible.
We should all take note and redouble our efforts to clean up our lives and draw closer to Yah and, as appropriate, share these difficult truths with others.
Yah has drawn to my attention that there is a spiritual legal restriction on what people can be shown in dreams and visions, in general we are not permitted to be corrected of fundamental lies and untruths, we are responsible for applying our intellect to discern the truth and praying the prayers which allows Father to reveal truth to us.
Folks, I really want to stress this is a difficult topic. I don't want to offend you. I do want to scare you, but scare you in a good way. I want to scare you in to coming to terms with the need to live a life free of sin. I want to scare you into changing your lifestyle. I want to scare you into getting on your knees and seeking a deep relationship with Father so that He can show you your sin. I want to scare you in to seeking that High Throne for Eternity. I want to scare you in to making a way for Yahooshua to return and make his enemies his footstool. It's up to us.
Accordingly, in a case like this the person taken to Hell cannot be informed regarding sins in their lives, like using the name Jesus instead of Yahooshua, worshipping Yahooshua, taking Yah's name in vain, using "the LORD" instead of Yah or Yahooeh, using God instead of "the Almighty," observing the Sunday Sabbath, etc. The correct Sabbath is Saturday.
Yah says that this lady was not shown the deepest and worst parts of Hell, which are reserved for those who worship Jesus and those who use blasphemous names, take the name of Yah in vain, fail to observe the seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath, etc. The person concerned was not aware of these errors and the sins and was not therefore able to see those areas of Hell because she would not have understood them and not have believed them and she would not have prayed for truth.
Whether we expect spiritual turmoil or physical turmoil or both, the bottom line is that right now we need to get MUCH CLOSER to Daddy Yah and we need to deal with ALL our sin in THIS life.
I know I have just said this folks, but it's worth repeating, what you're about to hear is a description of some very graphic, very unpleasant images that show just how terrible hell is and I would ask you to remember the terrible death, the terrible torture that Yahooshua went through in order to provide you and me with the sacrifice and offering for sin so that we could repent of our sin easily, be forgiven of our sin easily and live a life without sin.
Don't Go To Hell
A young Korean artist taken to Hell
From www.DivineRevelations.info/pit
In 2009, a young Korean artist who was attending an all-night prayer meeting was visited by Jesus Christ. She was taken to see Hell and told by Yahooshua to draw what she saw, so that the world would know.
Artist Speaking: "As I was praying all night long, I was able to love Jesus more than ever. One day, Jesus came and said in my Heart, "I will show you the deeper things of Heaven."
"I thought I was going to visit Heaven, but instead, we visited Hell."
"As I followed Jesus, I cried the whole time. I then began to hear moans, screams, and wailing sounds."
"Most people have a misconception about Hell. They are deluded and think that if they "Only Believe in Jesus Christ" they will end up in Heaven. Some even think that once they die, there is nothing afterwards."
"People believe as they think, and therefore they live their lives as they please."
It's important to remember in everything that is going to come over the next half an hour or so is that everything is happening to believers, not unbelievers.
There is a painting of tormented people behind bars reaching out to Yahooshua and the artist apparently crying out for help. There are deranged faces pressed through the bars, their arms pressed through the bars crying out for help -- not a nice scene.
The artist continues "Jesus also showed me that as people watch violent secular movies, demons would actually torment the person’s soul without the person realizing it. As a person watches the scenes from TV, their soul is tormented and wounded. Watching secular TV does not help Christians develop a loving relationship with our bridegroom Jesus."
There is a picture of a muscular arm reaching out of the TV screen and tormenting the soul of the person watching.
She continues: "I saw that when people were smoking and drinking, that spirits of snakes filled the alcoholic drinks and the cigarette smoke."
There is a picture of drinks and cigarettes filled with snakes.
It was major realisation for me when I first came across this article of the level of spiritual torment. I was aware of Demons, I was aware of what they did but I was not aware of the Demonic spiritual implications that I've just spoken about.
She continues:
"Jesus showed me how people fall into Hell."
There is a picture of people falling off a cliff into a raging fire.
She quotes Jesus as saying: "I see countless people falling into the eternal deep sea of the fire of Hell every single day… Please tell the people what you have witnessed in Hell! You must tell them about Hell! Tell people how awful and gruesome Hell is! You must paint the scene of Hell as if you are within my heart. Draw the scenes with My aching heart!"
"They are falling into the Fire of Hell. Draw it with My aching heart…"
"There is a picture of Yahooshua with the caption "He felt such pity for people who were falling into Hell every single day!"
Like so many of the things that I've been talking about recently, it's so important to realise that Father never intended these things to happen. He didn't create people with the intention of them being in sin. These are the things that have been put in place in response to sin, in response to evil. As I said a few minutes ago, I want to scare you into looking long and hard at your life, I want you to think twice before you speak. I want you to look for the lies you believe. I want you to cry out "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly." I want you to live above sin. It's entirely possible.
She continues:
"As Jesus witnessed the sins committed by man, He cried. Satan and his demons would tie the bodies of sinners so tight with iron chains to control them. Therefore sinners would go deeper and deeper in sin."
"I am pleading with you not to commit sin. Do NOT live as you desire. In Hell, the senses are hundreds of times more vivid than what we feel on Earth. The pain is more severe."
"As I was painting the scenes of Hell, Satan attacked me severely. But I wanted to show the world about Hell and the heart of Jesus through these paintings."
There is a picture of people tormented in the fire.
She continues: "I saw people being tormented on a cross." There is a picture of multiple crosses with people being tormented.
It's so important. The terrible torment and torture, the flogging, the crown of thorns, the ridicule, dragging the stake up the hill, nailed to the stake, the nails thudding through his hands and feet, hanging there in the sun, blood dripping from him, agonising pain with every breath. It's right and fitting that if we do not avail ourselves of Yahooshua's sacrifice to repent of and get free of sin, we should be tormented like this. I hope you're beginning to see that.
She continues:
"I saw people who did not want to eat the bread of life (God's Word)"
There is a picture of a woman with numerous snakes coming out of her mouth and her body covered with numerous bleeding wounds.
"There were people who would not discuss the things of their lives with Jesus, but made their own decisions, and followed their own will."
There is a picture of a naked man with two torturers pulling his legs apart in opposite directions while he screams in pain.
"There were people who drank and ate prohibited things."
There is a picture of a torturer holding a person around the jaw and pouring a black liquid down their throat.
Jesus: "Please tell people who hurt each other's hearts by their words that they must not hurt or wound their brothers/sisters in Christ. They must not say things without care or love."
There is a picture of torturer pulling a person's tongue out of their mouth with blood pouring out.
It's important to see the point there. She is talking to believers. Her message is to believers. Everything we're talking about right now is for believers. This has got nothing to do with unbelievers. They have no part in this. They can just mock us if we say to them that they're going to hell. They're not going to hell. They are going to live as Ancestor Spirits or Demons. Their experience will be very unpleasant, but I don't think it will be as unpleasant as this.
She goes on and says "This is how Murderers, rapists and child kidnappers will be tormented."
There is a picture of a person running and being pierced with a lance or trident while fire wells up around them and a serpent moves to strike them.
"This woman tries desperately to escape."
"The punishment for liars."
There is a picture of a man with two torturers forcing his mouth open while a third torturer shovels coals into his mouth.
"Those people who stole money will be penetrated by arrows and needles."
There is a picture of a man with a huge number of needles projecting from every part of his body and then a close up of his face totally covered with needles.
It's important to realise that no matter what the sin, no matter what the wrongdoing, there is an appropriate sentence in hell for unrepented sin. There was a question from last week about how do we know what is sin? There are some examples here of things that we might not actually really realise that this smoking and the drinking of alcohol and things like that. There is a comment further on about thoughts -- important to understand no matter where you run to in Hell there is no escape -- torturers have you under their control.
She goes on "In Hell, I saw a woman and her son who had died. In Hell they no longer loved each other. Because of the unbearable pain, they would do anything to escape the torment, even by stepping on each other."
There is a picture with the son standing on the mother’s face trying to escape while they both are covered with maggots crawling out of their flesh with bloody wounds all over them.
She goes on "Insects in Hell. These insects are for people who committed sins by their thoughts. They were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge. Covered by countless maggots, their entire body is wounded by large insects; going in and out of the whole body, mouth, ears and head."
There is a picture of a person covered with large black beetles including in the mouth.
Folks, thoughts. It's not just words, it's not just actions. It's thoughts. It's pride in one's own knowledge, belief that one knows better than others. I get a steady trickle of emails from people who from what they write are very confused, very deceived, full of error and will not listen to reason, will not discuss what they believe, they are convinced it's right and from what I can understand those people are going to end up in this situation. It's no good living life according to your view of what's right. You need to live life, according to Yah's view of what's right.
She continues:
"Persecution of the gospel: The picture shows how demons would influence people to persecute, harass and kill the messengers of the full and true gospel."
"These people were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge."
There is a picture of a person with maggots crawling out of their heads and mouths while the fingers of the person gouge their own flesh.
"These people were obstinate in their thinking. They thought, "Why would Jesus work in my life? Who am I? I don’t think He loves me. I am very evil. I don’t think He would love someone like me." They were also people who violated God’s word and ignore God’s commandments. They will be placed in an area similar to a frying pan, which was burning with Hell fire."
There is a picture of many bodies sprawled around on a burning area with a huge serrated wheel being rolled over them.
It's really important to understand as you think about what I'm recounting the spirit lives forever unless it is cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and totally consumed. So there is no escape. You will spend time in Hell of a duration and severity which is directly proportionate to your unconfessed sin in this life. So if you're a habitual sinner, if you go around using the wrong words, if you go around blaspheming and just even thinking wrong thoughts, you're in for a nasty shock when you die. Sure you will end up in Heaven eventually, but first you're going to go here.
She continues:
"Those people who do not attempt to align their thoughts with God’s will end up in Hell. We must fix our minds and thoughts on God. This torment was for those Christians who did not share the gospel. They did not evangelize the good news to the lost. They ignored their calling."
There is a picture of a person strapped down and spread-eagled while being tormented by torturers who look as though they are cutting the flesh of the person with a sword.
"This torment was for the people who had ignored God’s word and still continued to commit sin. They are the ones who performed evil in the eyes of the Lord."
There is a picture of a person spread-eagled while torturers use knives to shave the skin off their limbs and pierce them and blood everywhere.
Remember they cannot die, think about it. If you spend most of your life sinning, as I understand things, you are going to spend the corresponding period of time in Hell. As far as I understand it, it's a day for a day. Depending on your portfolio of sins, you will go from one torturer to another torturer or one form of torture to another form of torture and it'll go on and on and on until one day you have paid the full price of your sin and you can get into Heaven. Not something to be recommended.
She continues:
"For those who worshiped idols, those that had evil thoughts and were stubborn in their ways."
There is a picture of people sitting with serpents around their necks and their heads in the mouths of the serpents.
"Grumblers and complainers also wound up in Hell. [1st Corinthians 10:10]"
There is a picture of a man stretched out with bleeding wounds all over his body.
"Grumblers and complainers in their heart."
"Are shown up to their waists in some green liquid."
"There is a place in Hell for men who cheated on their spouses. For those who became gay or bisexual. They were penetrated by knives and spears."
There are numerous men with bleeding wounds seemingly falling over each other presumably trying to escape.
Folks, it really doesn't matter what modern man says is acceptable. It really doesn't matter what some movement or group says about homosexuality or adultery. It's forbidden. If you engage in that sin, you will pay the price. Right now, you can get on your knees, ask for forgiveness, take the bread and wine and receive forgiveness. There is no excuse. There is absolutely no reason why you have to go here but you have to make the decision and do the necessary.
She continues:
"For those who became sexually corrupt, their private parts were being pierced by demons."
There is picture of people stretched out while their sexual organs are pierced with spears.
"Hell is endless, the torment are endless."
There is a picture of Hell with winged torturers flying above it in an endless loop.
"For those who would not repent."
There is a picture of people being flogged with a Cat O Nine Tails and pierced with Tridents.
Folks, it's not an option to continue in sin. It's not an option to not confess your sin and not repent. It's so easy, it's there for you. All you have to do right now is get on your knees and say "Father Yah, I have just realised that my life is full of sin. Please help me to see all of these sins that I'm committing. I confess my sin, and you need to list them one by one by one and for each one you say I confess my sin of adultery, I recognise it now as sin, I repent, I turn around, I choose not to do it anymore and in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to forgive me." Then take the blood and wine of the covenant, the red grape juice or red wine and bread and say "Father, as I drink this cup given by Yahooshua for forgiveness, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and bring to my remembrance everything that I need to repent of." Folks, it's so easy. And then you got to sort out your life and stop doing it.
She continues:
"You must kill any devil that is living inside of you."
There is a picture of a woman pulling a demon off her and stabbing it.
"When we repent and pray before God, angel armies come down and pierce the demons with their swords."
There is a picture of Messengers setting people free and the people rejoicing.
Jesus said, "Focus Me. You must focus only Me."
There is a picture of Yahooshua saying "Don’t go to Hell!!!"
A picture of Yahooshua with the Crown of Thorns.
Folks, you can get rid of Demons by recognising your sin that’s giving the Demon the legal right to be there repenting of your sin and then saying "Father in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to bind, tear down and send where you want to go the Demon that I've just named" be it pride, lust or whatever and "in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to send your mighty warring messengers to bind, tear down, cast out and send where you want to go the Demons that I've just named. Father, I thank you for setting me free." It's an iterative recursive process you do it again and again as you get rid of one Demon you become more aware of the next Demon and you might have a few Demons, most believers have got lots of Demons. At one stage in my life I had over 10,000 demons. You can get rid of them, deal with your sin, pray the appropriate prayers, follow the appropriate rituals. If you get hold of the article Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty, you will get detailed instructions as to what to do.
Summing Up
The images are graphic, my word pictures do not give the full impact of what is depicted in the paintings. I encourage you to go to the Website and visit the "Hell" page near the top of the Menu.
It is vital to understand that it is NOT necessary for you to go to Hell.
It is entirely possible to get free of sin in this life and stay free of sin. Yahooshua died a terrible death to make this easily possible.
But it requires self-discipline and determination and prayers like "Father, in the name of Yahooshua, I ask you to lead me into all truth by Your Spirit."
"Father I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it."
"Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly."
There are many prayers on Prayer on the Website.
Just pray with me right now, "Father I am convicted by what I've heard today. I realise that I have sinned in my life. I ask for mercy and grace. I choose now to turn around and go in the right direction. I ask you to draw to my attention every sin that I need to deal with and I ask you to give me utterance in pray, I ask you to speak to me in whatever way I am able to hear. Help me now Father to live a life free of sin."
You need to pray that every day for the next couple of years; I would suggest you go on a programme of seven three-day fasts at weekly intervals. If you look at the Seven Components of Drawing Close you will find some guidance on that. Fast three days water-only, eat for four days, fast three days water-only and so forth, or go on a seven-day fast if you prefer; a three-day fast at weekly intervals is very, very powerful.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
In closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
You could pray with me right now, "Father I now understand that it is possible for me to become your friend and qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity. I deeply desire that and I ask you to come into my life, I ask you to fill me with your spirit, I ask you to take me by the hand and guide me. Bring the people you want into my life, take the people you don't want out, open the doors you want opened, close the doors you want closed. Lead me by your spirit in every possible way. Show me what I need to change. Speak to me through books, video, TV, radio, emails, websites, YouTube, Facebook, people I meet in the street, people I know. Show me every change I need to make and help me to become your friend. I desire to become your friend. Amen."
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All of this available at www.ETIMin.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at https://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available. Email me if you want a copy.
I publish regular email articles -- email [email protected] to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
There is a lot of information there folks, please use it.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at [email protected].
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, this is so important. I constantly come across believers who say Jesus is coming soon. Not so folks. Satan was only sent to the pit in 2003, 17 years ago. So another 983 years to go. We have to make Yahooshua's enemies his footstool. It says that in the five or six places in the Bible from the Old Testament through the New Testament, Yahooshua is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool. If you and I do not get off our butts and get out there and wage warfare and warfare is above all else living life free of sin. It's not about singing some powerful song. It's about getting free of sin in your life. It's about using the correct names. I hope you will go for that in your life.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Broadcast Friday 8, May 2020 on www.W4CY.com Radio
Published 26 September 2020
For many years I have battled to concisely articulate my relationship with the Almighty Creator in a way that would enable a listener to make a quality decision to Believe or NOT Believe. In response to this a few weeks ago I sat down and wrote an article entitled “Why Seek Relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing?” which was posted to this list.
I then turned this into a Video script and have now produced a Video which is on YouTube at https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U -- I encourage you to watch the Video and to share it with your family, friends and associates, in fact with everyone you know, it is SUCH an important message.