He'll Pull It Off Perfectly
Have you ever asked “When God?”
I know I have.?When Melane and I were believing for a child it was painful to see people who had no business being parents having kid after kid.?
Maybe you’ve asked “When God?” when you see someone who is not serving God appear to be way more successful than you.?Or maybe you’re asking “When God?” about a strained relationship or something that you’ve been believing for for a long time.
Psalm 37 in the Passion Translation always jump off the page for me
3?Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes.
????Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land,
????feasting on his faithfulness.
5?Give[c]?God the right to direct your life,
????and as you trust him along the way,
????you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
34?So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act;
????keep moving forward steadily in his ways,
????and he will exalt you to possess the land.
????You’ll watch with your own eyes
????and see the wicked lose everything.
I encourage you to read the whole chapter.?You can do so by clicking?here.
I love all those verses above, but the one that really blessed me was verse 5.?I can look back over my life and see where He pulled off things that there is NO way I could ever have done on my own.
We may not always understand the whys and whens of life, but I know that He does and I know that He loves me.
And that means I can trust Him along the way and watch Him pull it off perfectly!
A friend who was celebrating his retirement was asked what he would do if he could go back and do it over, he told us, “I would trust God more. There were so many things I didn’t need to have worried so much about, looking back, He always provided for my needs and brought me through.”