We are heading for "HELL ON EARTH". It is a "DO OR DIE" situation, “TIME IS RUNNING OUT” - these are words echoed in COP27. I must agree with it, for it is something I visualized more than three decades back, which frantically led me to search for a way to transcend it.


Most intellectuals do see a dead end to which our society is heading. Some have given calls to leave Earth and populate other planets.

Several decades have gone by since scientists raised the alarm about Global Warming, Air and Water Pollution. With the alarming fire and flash floods in the past few years, the realization of the Hell unfolding on Earth is peaking.

It is impossible to avoid “Hell on Earth”.?The Non-Linear Nature has crossed the “TIPPING POINT”. The only way we can survive is to transcend this phase with reduced miseries and destruction.

The Drama of the leaders joining to discuss, and mobilize funds to mitigate climate change is going on for years.

With forty years of selfless research, I have been pointing to one fact we cannot win the battle against Enraged Earth Forces with our present materialistic “MINDSET” led by the west.

The problem we phase on Earth does not restrict to CO2, Air, and Water pollution we can trace it down to Health and Mind Pollution. We are now on the brink of a “Third World WAR”. The “Dooms Day Clock” is now set minutes from 12. The ruling minds are self, Power, and Material centered. They are protected and live in fortified castles and think they can survive the impending disasters coming. The leaders who take oaths in God’s name to serve people are letting common people suffer. We are living in the illusion of Knowledge and Power and failing to Evolve???

Albert Einstein Said “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them

The problem is that we have not yet comprehended the "ROOT CAUSE" of increasing climate catastrophes, the collapsing biosphere, disrupted ecology, the root of Mind Pollution, corruption, and unstable society. The more we delay greater the miseries we are going to endure.

The root cause of climate Catastrophe is our materialistic Life, which is exponentially increasing the Heat of the Environment. We are obsessed with CO2-induced Climatic Catastrophes and are overlooking the Heat that the Electric and Electronic industry is adding to the global system.

The last few decades have created many billionaires. Few even have entered the trillion-dollar club. They have collectively generated millions of jobs. Many of these individuals as they stepped into old age have become great philanthropists, siphoning their funds to serve humanity.??

It is important to realize that we have an organized institution, supporting less than 5 lakh souls and controlling the west and the world's mindset. They speak about GOD but lead a hypocritical material-centered Life.?They are sitting over 108 trillion dollars in wealth, which is 55% of the World wide wealth. The world seems to have imbibed their traits.

We cannot pacify aggravated natural forces with money, meetings, and lip service. The ONLY WAY OUT?is to acquire the KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM of life and Nature and its functioning and work collectively to alleviate the stress on her and learn to live in Peace with Her.

We must underline and note that our understanding of Life, Nature, and the Universe led by the west is wanting. We have left many BIG QUESTIONS of science unanswered. We know that Atom and all the physical thing we see has a Backbone of Energy, which sustains the physical. But our understanding of how energy manifests into the atom, living systems, the whole Universe, and sustains itself against TIME-DIRECTION is wanting.

Common Sense tells us that the climate is driven by two cycles-?heating and cooling, that gives way to one another over a defined period. ?God gave 12 hours each to the Light and Dark Cycle. The Earth and its biosphere struggle to sustain the Heat of the Earth within some limit by absorbing, transforming, and distributing Heat. Any exponential Increase or decrease in Heat leads to the breakdown of the Organic functioning of the system.

Heat is the Basal Form of Energy. This means earth strives to sustain certain “ENERGY to MATTER RATIO”. The FINELY-TUNED ECOLOGY ?of the Earth helps it sustain the energy-to-matter ratio within some limit such that all living systems survive.

We in our material greed, have disturbed this finely-tuned ecology by exponentially increasing the heat in the environment. Further, we have cut down the forest that traps heat and light to create biological mass. Plants we know use up CO2 and release O2 which is vital to all living systems. In effect, we are also upsetting the vital O2 to CO2 RATIO.?We also have intruded into the night Cycle when Earth distributes the heat. In short, we have upset the “energy-to-matter ratio” that the earth strives to sustain.

Science tells us that particles and their motion have a spin and displacement motion. This applies to atoms and systems. Earth has two poles and a Spin axis. Earth compresses and expands in the Spin Axis and thus has a pulsating existence. When the earth expands in the vertical axis, the horizontal axis is compressed, and vice-versa?

COMMON SENSE tells us that anything heated exponentially tends to gain Kinetic Energy and lose potential Energy. In short, it tends to spin and move faster. Scientists have noted that???

Earth is now rotating faster on its spin axis. They have also noted that the “GULF STREAM” which distributes the Heat is slowing down. The “POLAR VORTEX” is fluctuating as never before.?This means we would see an exponential increase in fire/wind, flash floods/snows as never seen before. Since cooling is a winding force, we can expect “MOTHER QUAKE” and volcanic eruptions at any time in the next few climatic cycles.

The peaking and falling of POLAR VORTEX on the vertical axis means Earth will experience Hell on Earth. It can lead to Great Tumult On earth. History speaks of many civilizations being buried under the sea and the Earth. That should make us sit and think. Some miracle needs to occur if we are to thrive on Earth

The Hope I see to transcend the HELL ON EARTH

When I speak “Hell on Earth” I am not being negative. I was an atheist who took to research hoping to contribute something to humanity in the process of leading this life.?In special circumstances, to stay with my consciousness I had to quit my job with the multinational company and my quest for a position in the academic world. Once I left the four walls of the Laboratory to be in nature, I did see, humanity creating Hell on Earth and worked frantically to find the cause and way to avoid it.

I was fortunate to encounter the Spirit of God and have a New Life Experience. Now I?believe in God the Creator and Sustainer.?It makes no sense to me that some Mortel Minds who are material-centered and ruling Earth from the top seats can destroy the Creator and the Whole of His Creation. In God, the Creator Spirit, I see a way to Transcend the “Hell of Earth” or Tribulation Period to enter the Golden Age of the Kingdom of God on Earth, where Truth and Justice Reign.

I see a “Parallel World” or a?“World Within” growing, as the old is breaking down for us to Transform and Transcend.?I see heaven rising out of hell, through Earth, by initializing everything.

The Scenario unfolding on Earth is a call of the Earth to her Children to wake up. We can Transcend Hell and manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is a matter of answering, the “BIG QUESTIONS” of science and philosophy in simplicity such that all can understand the purpose of human Life. The purpose of human life is the salvation of one’s soul from the bondage of the Dark World

We are now in an undifferentiated state of God’s Consciousness and intelligence, with free will for all souls to Transform and Translate into New World forming within the Old. In short, we are in the Recreation and Restoration Phase of His Kingdom. This phase is Unique in the Time Cycle of the Universe. This phase is not eternal.

The singularity phase is bound to split into duality in time. This would occur in the Spiritual realm first before it spreads to the physical. This split stops the splitting and turning inside out of Earth and the destruction of the physical Earth and all life in it. The duality means there will be a judgment on Souls and minds. The Sword of Judgement Pierces the people working in the religious and spiritual realm First. It then spreads to the common people. God cannot find the common people responsible for the deterioration of the Kingdom of God – The rest is details.??

In short, there is a DIVINE INTERVENTION in place to save Earth and Life on it and to lead the world back to Golden Age. Entering the Golden Age or manifesting the Kingdom of God on Earth is a matter of Changing the “MINDSET” from western material centered to a Life-Centered One of the East.

In short,?we need to lay down a Living Vision – The Living Vision should become a “FUTURE FOUNDATION”. Once we make a Fundamental Transformation and Translation it into the New Foundation, we can develop “NEW TECHNOLOGIES”?mimicking life that releases less heat. That is the only way to Transcend Hell to Sustain the World and Manifest the Kingdom of God Earth.?

We need to recall that a Human heart can pump blood along 100000 KM twenty times per minute. The Human mind processes trillions of information to sustain the body. It is a machine that works 24 hours to build new cells, it removes the dead and the waste and thus cleanses the body to ensure health. It is a multi-functional machine, that works on a few pieces of bread and a few glasses of water.

What is important is that the heat this living machine releases to the environment is minimal – Which speaks of the immense potential before us to evolve. All we need is the focus on Life and its root. It’s a ?matter of reviewing the foundation of science and shifting it into a New Platform of Thinking.

The only way to Transcend Hell on Earth and enter the Kingdom of God

Hell is synonymous with FIRE THAT BURNS. We humans with self, money and material-centered thinking have become experts in it. We have acquired knowledge and “FIREPOWER that DESTROYS LIFE, and Civilization in minutes.

We are ignorant of FIRE THAT BROODS LIFE INTO EXISTENCE”, which is very much written in Spiritual Scriptures. The only way to Tracend the Hell on Earth is to Awaken to Fire that broods Life into existence –The rest is details


Earth and its existence need a generation that has awakened to God or Life Force acting within all and in the external world. ?We need a generation that is conscious and intelligent and liberated from the bondage of religions and walks the path of love, Truth, and Justice, without compulsion and Policing. ?

All this can only happen when we evolve science and decipher the BIG BANG SECRET ?from the information and Living Point.

I attach a few links On “LinkedIn and my blog “Awaken to Truth”, at the end of the article, which elaborates it further. I have done my best and keep doing it till my last breath, for it is my conscious call – The rest is His will.?

An appeal to the reader

In a world where people are self-centered and work for material aspects, money, position, and power at all cost, I went behind Knowledge and Wisdom with a greater interest in Humanity in mind. It is a conscious call with which I am focused even in old age, against all odds.

A lifetime has gone by going in search of Truth. ?Today, I who left a Lucrative Job in a multinational company and offer to build and lead a biotechnology venture for reputed companies is measured on the scale of money and wealth and looked down upon as a failure in Life. I am rejected and pushed out. There is no regret in choosing the path of consciousness and dying in it.

However, it hurts when I think of four decades of self-less research and the knowledge I gained by Grace failing to catch the attention of the media and people and come to help Humanity. I keep hope and strive. The Hell on Earth has come near. It is inevitable.?I hope and Pray the world awakens such that we can Transcend Hell on Earth and Enter the Golden Age of the Kingdom of God on Earth?

I don’t have good writing or communication skills. I would appreciate it if people who read this article could use their expertise in modern multimedia to viral this to the world such that it attracts the attention of the people and intellectuals ruling us and determining our fate -?

The links to other articles

1] Four Big Questions of Science https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/four-big-questions-science-future-earth-humanity-john-paily/??

2] Deep Thoughts -A NEW SIMPLE VISION OF ATOM - Part-1 Fundamental Principle and Design Underlying the Universe


3] Deep Thoughts - A New Simple Vision of Atom -Part 2 - THE ATOM OF LIFE WITH INNER DYNAMIC SPACE https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/deep-thoughts-new-simple-vision-atom-part-2-life-inner-john-paily/

4] THE ATOMIC ROOT OF THE HUMAN MIND - DEEP THOUGHTS - A New Simple Vision of Atom and the Universe Part -3


5] BIG BANG – The Living and Spiritual Interpretation - The DEEP THOUGHTS - The Story of Quantum Particle, Atom, and the Universe Part – 4 https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/big-bang-living-spiritual-interpretation-deep-thoughts-john-paily/

The Future of Earth and Humanity -The Foundation for New Technologies

DEEP THOUGHTS - A New Simple Vision of Atom and the Universe – Part 5


6]What is happening to Earth’s Climate – Time to Think


7] Can Earth and the Global Society be Sustained?


8] The Root Cause of Increasing Climate, Natural Catastrophes – The Future


9] A SIMPLE IDEA TO CONSERVE THE EARTH, SOIL, WATER, AND BIOSPHERE https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/simple-idea-conserve-earth-soil-water-biosphere-john-paily/

10] How miracle cure occurs in prayer meetings -- https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/how-miracle-cure-occurs-prayer-meetings-john-paily/

?11] What is the Source of Evil in the world


12] “Evolving Fundamentals of Physics - The Principle and Design on which Universe Works



Economist | Finance and Business Consultant| Entrepreneur| Designer: H-TIPS for Leadership Excellence & Mind Renovation | Africa SME Fintech Ltd| Author: How Not To Think & many more. Mentor TEF Entrepreneurship Program.

2 年

Great message! "the “KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM”?of NATURE and LIFE:" any specifics please?

John Paily

Freelance Researcher

2 年

Thank You Chester for Sharing


Realtor Associate @ Next Trend Realty LLC | HAR REALTOR, IRS Tax Preparer

2 年

Something Peoples Needs To Think About ??.


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