Helios – Providing Realtime Ground Intelligence
Christian W. Ruenzi
Senior Geospatial Business Development Manager at Hexagon US Federal
Microclimates are on the rise, and as a result, there are extreme deviations of wind, snow, fog and visibility even over short distances. Hyperlocal ground information enhances operational efficiencies and decision making that can save time, money, property and even lives. Case in point, tropical depression Nicholas. Helios Road Wetness Analytic provides confirmation of precipitation affecting road or pavement conditions and notifies users of wet or dry pavement and potentially dangerous areas during a storm event. Below are some of the images we captured as tropical depression Nicholas advanced onto New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Helios provided real-time situational awareness for decision makers on the ground.
Some of the benefits Helios provides to state, local and federal government decision makers:
Real-time localized information
Happy reading; send me a note and let me know if you have any questions for me. Have a great weekend, Christian