Heed His Words
Today's devotional is from A Daily Taste of Proverbs
“Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it” - 8:33.
Many heard Jesus but did not understand what He said or do what He taught if they did. That's why He often said, "He who has ears, let him hear" (Mark 4:9). In other words, He wasn't so much interested in them just paying attention but heeding His words so they have a relationship with the Father.
This can be something like the need to be generous, but you don't give, or the importance of prayer, but you don't pray. Be honest with yourself before God: is there any truth you have heard, but have not yet applied in your life? What is causing you to ignore it? What are you afraid of? You may want to take the time to read what Jesus said about listening in Mark 4:21-25.