Hebrews 2:14-15; Hebrews 11:1; Colossians 3:3
Numerous acronyms can be made from the four letters which spell "F-E-A-R". Here's one: False Evidence Appearing Real." Deceptive fear is spreading everywhere. False evidence, questionable claims, disputable statistics, endless narratives, hyped-up threats, and massive complexity defying interpretation are producing a threatening atmosphere (or "atmosFEAR"). Uncertainty and danger, real and imagined, pervade, the air spreading rampant anxiety. This FEAR is being used as a weapon to attack our mind and emotions, and quench our spirits. How to master it?
First, do we realize our bondage to the fear of death which is the foundation of all other fears? If so, we can overcome False Evidence Appearing Real ... with Firm Assurance In The Holy FAITH, the true evidence of what does not appear "real", but is more real than anything else.
Brothers & Sisters, the Lord Jesus came to destroy him who had the power of death. Death, the underlying base of all our fears, and the fear of death, are no longer our slave-masters if we have died with Messiah. Our life in this world is but a vapor, a shadow, as such, False Evidence Appearing Real. But the resurrected Son of God has hidden our true life in His, beyond this fear-soaked world. So meet your FEAR, master it...with FAITH, in the risen Messiah. COURAGE IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF FEAR, BUT THE MASTERY OF IT! Guide Makombo's Devotions