Snow is back with a vengeance in the northeastern United States. Many parts of the region will experience 2 feet of new snow or more in the next 24 hours. In addition, over the next week we are advised it more snow is on the way. According to the forecast, several snow events are expected, and temperatures are not expected to rise after the storms. Actually, temps will likely fall in the coming week. This means the snow will stick around for a while. Snow accumulating on roofs causes not only increased weight load on the structural components in the roof system, but snow and ice can clog up roof drains. In some cases, the snowmelt gets trapped on the roof causing additional issues. Snow and ice on building up on roofs coupled with continued low temperatures is in this case a double threat. If possible, clear away snow and ice from roof drains and scuppers so that any water from melting snow can drain off and relieve some pressure from the roof. When snow is allowed to accumulate higher than the flashing line on parapet walls, water can penetrate and enter the building. Stress from the added weight on the roof deck can cause also cracking in the roof membrane causing interior leaks. It is recommended that the roof be cleared of the snow as quickly as possible. If you can, check with a professional engineer before you send crews and equipment (snowblowers, etc.) because of potential roof collapse.