Heat Waves and CO2 Refrigeration

Heat Waves and CO2 Refrigeration

All refrigeration technologies either struggled or failed in the extreme heat we experienced early last week. However I'd like to discuss in particular transcritical CO2 systems and understanding the problems they face by ultra high UK temperatures.

Have 130 bar transcritical systems have just become a necessity?

My wife read out a Facebook post to me on Tuesday evening - a long public thread complaining about the chillers being emptied at several major food retailers, with unsympathetic comments around food waste, questions around ‘why do the fridges always go off when it gets hot? and statements like 'surely supermarkets need to do better at preparing for heat waves!'

As an industry we need to rise to this ever increasing challenge of climate change. 32°? design ambient was common place when I arrived the industry, but we are now moving up the temperature scale quicker than a standby engineer submitting his heat wave time sheet. I can see specified design ambients moving upto 42°C. That’s 10°C increase in the span of my career so far - and I’m a long way off retirement age.

So is poor maintenance to blame or is it a lack of understanding combined with system shortfalls for how CO2 really needs to work in high ambients?

We all know being Heat Wave ready through cleaning Gas Coolers is a must, as are coalescent filter changes and stripping and cleaning strainers etc; but this will only go so far in the battle of operating in 40°C ambients.

The Step Change

The fundamental problem is Gas Cooler pressure - or?a lack of it. Compressor selection software tells us that the optimum Gas Cooler pressure in such high ambients needs to be >96 bar. Running at these pressures provides a massive step change in the capability of a transcritical CO2 system. However, I suspect most CO2 systems are not running at this high pressure, because?practically it’s very difficult to achieve. To save nuisance pressure trips and keep plant running (for as long as possible), most systems are probably set with a maximum Gas Cooler pressure of circa 85 bar or less. Unfortunately this is the exact opposite of what really needs to happen, Gas Cooler pressures need to be increased.?

Transcritical systems are generally designed with 120 Pressure relief settings. EN378 subcequently dictates that high pressure switches need to activate at 108 bar. This only provides a maximum of 10 bar head room between the optimum Gas Cooler outlet pressure and the dreaded Compressor high pressure cut out - it's just not enough in extreme conditions.?

The effects of low Gas Cooler pressure just spiral out of control - it’s a bit like trying to put a fire out with petrol.?

Lowering the Gas Cooler pressure in such ambients causes unmanageable amounts of flash gas. Ultimately when far too much flash gas is created, this can cause the MPV (receiver flash gas valve) to become undersized and the receiver goes high in pressure. Even if the MPV can cope, the compressors become far too busy recycling flash gas and have a drastically reduced actual refrigeration capacity. Ultimately the compressor suction pressure goes up and consequently the CO2 mass flow rate increases dramatically above design conditions. This causes much higher pressure drops through the Oil Separator and Gas Cooler and with the HP switches being on the Compressor side and the Gas Cooler pressure set point being controlled at its outlet, this pressure drop easily brings the compressors up to and over their trip pressure.?

These higher mass flow rates also increase compressor power demand so circuit breakers and motor starters often trip too, especially in hot conditions - another form of trip where it presents a manual reset nuisance.

So what stops us running at optimum high pressure in the first place? The answer is Gas Cooler Valves (HPV’s) and controlling them. HPV’s need to be very dynamic, especially when compressors stage in. If you are already operating at >90 bar and a compressor stages on, many HPV control algorithms just don’t respond in the correct way to open the HPV and the 10 bar head room disappears in an instant…..Trip! This is the real issue that needs addressing in most instances.

The move to 130 bar systems will get over this problem, having pressure switches set at 117 bar, ensures operating Gas Cooler pressure at circa 100 bar are much more practical and ultimately reliable! At isentra we have built a few 130 bar systems - but we will be offering them as common place going forward.

So what about all the 120 bar systems already out there. I see two options. The first is adiabatic water conversions but this isn’t simple, with control, legionella safety, frost prevention, mineral deposits, corrosion, installation and maintenance all causing management and budget headaches. However, that said water feeds onto Gas Coolers in such ultra ambients does work very well, as systems benefit from wet bulb temperature.

The second option is refining control of the HPV valve, developing advanced HPV control practices is essential. I think it’s a necessity for control manufacturers to address this issue and provide detailed guidance on this subject - it is the foundation of the problem; albeit controlling so close to the upper limits is not easy, also every system has different operating characteristics.?

Making UK CO2 refrigeration systems work reliably in extreme ambients is entirely possible, we only have to look to Spain and Italy. Testing ultra ambient operation can be done in normal ambients and time should be spent with control manufacturers and live sites to get reliable operation with Gas Cooler pressures at circa 100 bar with Gas Cooler outlet temperatures at circa 43°C. This will solve the problem that exhausts our industry and exacerbates our customers every time the we get these blasts of heat; which we have to assume will be happening again in the near future, and in all probability, more frequently.

Philipp Holzer

Group Refrigeration Engineering Manager at Tesco

2 年

Great post, echos a lot of my thoughts. A 40 deg design ambient does need to include an increase in MWP to 130 bar. Not convinced by the adiabatic cooling though. I don’t doubt that they can work and provide the benefits expected, but were worried by the gas cooler corrosion issues. My colleague Brian Frankland is already having to change out gas coolers that are barely seven years old and they’re not even located in a corrosive environment.

Good post Daniel, a sound argument is going to be needed to convince some users that adiabatic coolers will yield benefits. As James has pointed out ever rising energy costs may force a repositioning of purchasing habits.

John Bonner

Technical Operations Manager CBES

2 年

With the cost of energy, pay back for additional investment would be achievable. We have adiabatic systems that are designed in such a way they mitigate the risk and additional maintenance cost, also protecting store trading in high ambient periods. A win win situation??

Kevin Mullis

Technical Manager at Integral UK Ltd

2 年

Yes, very good points raised. The difficult balance between offering enough 'headroom' to deal with transient head pressure conditions and keeping the HPV setpoint as high as possible in these conditions is under-appreicated I think. Another factor relating to this is the capacity step size on the plant - a large pack with many steps copes more easily than a small pack with (comparitively), larger capacity steps. Running with a 90ish bar setpoint seems to be a compromise that worked quite well last week but it certainly isn't a one size fits all approach. We've noted that whilst certain 130bar K65 items are available there is far from a full range of parts, which does limit you to steel (and the increased cost), if you go for this option.

Paul Broadhurst

Managing Director UK + IE at Viessmann Refrigeration Solutions Limited

2 年

Interesting artcile Danny and one that nees a collaborative approach. I'm sure many system designers were sweating in the recent heatwave...and not just from the heat!


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