The heat is on
Thomas Mertens(FCSI)
Giving Data one Voice - Consultant for technology-open planning & data management systems in the hospitality industry at S.A:M Strategy Consulting | FCSI
The heat is on
We would love to start the year 2017 with a future focused change.
As usual, S.A:M company introduces itself dynamic, flexibly structured with fascinating concepts and methods. We work even more focused and precise on topics, concerning any topic that is important for you now or in the future. Your business structure will be more focused on supply and demand. However, the time intervals of change have become shorter.
Within there is wide space for future focused development, innovative concepts, products and an intense touchpoint experience for the customer.
1. In your opinion, what are the key aspects of cooking equipment that have been improved through recent innovation?
As planners and consultants we speak of two different segments. One is the segment of technical devices, necessary for producing and cooking. The other segment is the so called ”Backup Technical Installation”, preinstalled in the technical equipment to guarantee a maximum of business hygiene, without disturbing the operative business.
Let me name some examples. Speaking of the first segment, the convector oven is a real outstanding trailblazer. No other technology has developed so sustainingly and is still fast developing. Many advantages are combined her, i.e. the staff can work easily with the automated handling and processes and at the same time productivity and quality increases with a decline of necessary resources, like demand of space, water consumption, energy and ventilation system.
Furthermore, the most important fact is yet to be named. This will be the leading technology by working together with and within the digital world, therefor opening new possibilities.
In the segment of backup and building technology I would like to mention that new exhaust air filter systems are provided with an intelligent control device to cope easily with an altering demand of ventilation. So, is there a lot of cooking, the system will work with higher efficiency and vice versa it works automatically on lower capacity in times of less requirement. The need of air is always regulated according to the demand. The staff does no longer have to do regulations in the ventilation system manually. The system adjusts its capacity itself according to the demand.
2. How have these innovations improved efficiency, cost, safety and other key aspects of performance?
The most important fact is that the people working with these systems and with these technologies should be relieved in their working process rather than loaded with additional work. The so called “Continuous Improvement” process is our very own successfully applied method. This is our vivid company philosophy, integrating a large number of workers into this working process. Infrastructure is playing a vital part in gastronomy. Within the gastronomy the whole working process is focused on the aim to bring the goods to the customer within the shortest time possible. So, if in addition to a technical perfectly equipped kitchen a perfect infrastructure is given, you will achieve extraordinary performances anytime, regarding service, safety, efficiency and sustainability. Regardless on the extent of utilization. The infrastructure does not only depend on the type of gastronomy, but also on given regulations and laws. Overall, depending on the innovation, technique and the amount of investment, a refund of invest should be given after 6 month up to 8 years.
3. What are the main ways in which these innovations help operators to achieve better overall performance?
The business world is changing fundamentally. Former stiff structures have been opened up for the benefit of flexibility. With this “agile” working the total dynamic adjustment is entering the technical working world.
In short terms: “Agile” work is making a decisive step further, after having made the working hours and the workspace flexible and adjusting structures and processes to the new requirement. It is the benefit of the user which is supposed to be focused on, to react more quickly on changing demands, to act more flexible and to be committed to necessary changes.
Therefore, every consultant, producer, supplier and worker is requested to ”update and adjust” daily.
4. What areas should manufacturers focusing their R&D efforts on in order to raise the standard of performance for operators?
“Creating next” is a pool of ideas, containing generation, collection and selection of suitable ideas to achieve improvement and renewals. The focus is on applicable technology and on getting away from additional burden towards maximum relief.
The manufacturers are always supposed to ask and analyse anew.
What is new in the area of food production, stage managing/performing and profitability?
How efficient are all technical elements and software developments in the future?
How does the future energy control system work?
This is S.A:M! Dimension Food Tech & Energy Management, a paramount efficiency of new ideas. Discover the impact of sustaining innovations!
5. Tell me about S.A.M. What is it and what are you trying to achieve with it?
“To achieve” is actually the wrong term! S:A:M implies functionality by itself! S:A:M hits the target! S:A:M works! S:A:M is successful!
S:A:M follows the demands of gastronomy and the changing claims and expectations of the society. To stay successful means to continually work on problem solution management, on flexibility and creativity.
We are Knowledge- Workers, searching for creative- cognitive challenges. We get our benefits from the power of intuition and innovation. We are definitely confessed that: The future belongs to the awkward and intransigent thinker!
The smart way of splitting the S:A:M dimensions is given by the laws of hospitality, with particular reference to digitalization and creation of a sustaining world of experience of all senses. Not depending on any trends, styles and market regulations. The higher aim is to create an atmosphere of good sensations for all clients…. welcome to S:A:M!
6. How is this product different to anything else on the market and how does it stand out from what competitors are offering?
What competitors? We are a planning and consulting office. We create new concepts. We do have our own software specialist (development and consulting). We observe.
This is, for example, the story of our S.A:M show case. Clients kept on asking: “We are worldwide famous for our sausages. But why is there no way to keep them warm properly and present them in an appealing way to our customers?”. We considered this as a good question and we started to do research. Surprisingly they were right and there was not anything on the market which would work and fulfill their demands. This was the very point, where we started to develop and create something totally new- the S:A:M show case. Furthermore the visual aspect is the determining aspect concerning the trade market. And this is why we can name S.A:M as a stroke of genius.
This newly developed showcase keeps snacks warm (preparing/refrigerating on demand) without losing their quality. For example sausages, Tandoori snacks and vegetable sticks. A special and outstanding equipment is the system of rotating adjustable hooks and plates for an appealing circulating presentation. This guarantees a higher level of attention, reinforces customer loyalty, higher sales and more profit. Speaking as a planning company, our prime focus is not on commercial success while developing, but on solutions of realizing new ideas. We are no manufacturers. Having successfully developed our ideas, we hand on the result to manufacturers and focus on a new project. At the moment we are working on a “Plug-in” system for the S:A:M show case.
The showcases you know so far have a large space for presentation, sometimes even on more than one level. At the beginning of a working day they are arranged in large numbers to show the big variety of goods, to achieve an appealing presentation and to get the sale going. But with presenting the food on horizontally positioned levels, empty spaces may occur, if there is no constant refilling. The consequence is, that the goods are often not perfectly displayed to the customer. In the opening hours, there are some “off-peak low times”. This means that the staff does no refill to avoid the loss of goods by creating long display terms. The result is, there is only a small quantity of goods left in the showcase and therefore there is too high impact on the small number of food by the given temperature, climatic regulations, air ventilation and light. This increases the loss of quality.
Our motto is : “Only curiosity keeps you going!”