Heat strokes the Number 1 Killer of Working Dogs
We all know someone who has lost a dog to heat stroke. As a dog lover, outdoorsman, and developer of patent pending T-Cool brand by URCOOLSTUFF, I knew we had to try to stop this tragedy. So many people have been heartbroken losing a dog to a preventable heatstroke. The emotional investment and connection to your dog or working partner is a special bond. Yes, many of the working dogs, Hunting, K9's Search and rescue dogs, lost to heat strokes cost thousands of dollars not to mention the emotional attachment. The emotional investment of rescuing a dog to bring into your family and be loved by you and your children is invaluable. I was inspired to develop it when my dog died of heat stroke.
T-Cool brand Cooling Collars was launched a little over 3 months ago. Now there are dogs all across the USA and in Europe being protected. They wear it during competition, training or just out exercising with their owners, K9's, hunting , search and rescue dogs! Even after working or playing it is the safest way to cool your dog down without water. Most people don't realize even when a dog stops activity their core temperature continues to rise for 20 minutes after the stop. Only 1 degree Fahrenheit of temperature that can separate your dog from life or death! I was always taught it was better to be safe than sorry.
T-Cool brand Collars are the only scientifically proven and safe product to help prevent heat strokes in dogs. In just one event several years ago, During National Field Trials, April 2003 in North Dakota 100 great hunting dogs died of heat stroke that week. owners,trainers, and veterinarians on site could not stop what happened. Our T-Cool cooling collar would have allowed the to work in the heat, cool down safely and saved their lives.
Over 90,000,000 million dogs are owned in the USA, 75,000,000 million in Europe, There are literally hundreds or thousands of dogs die each year from heat strokes. Some make into the news but thousands don't. There is no agency reported to about dog deaths from heat strokes. But every one has lost a dog or knows someone who has lost a dog to heatstroke. When I see other products on the market that are not proven or designed properly and in some cases can be dangerous for dogs to wear I get upset as people are not only wasting money they put their dog in jeopardy.
T-Cool brand is dedicated to help prevent the loss of a working partner, best friend and protectors of our families, communities and country. All I ask if you have lost a dog to heat stroke or know someone who has pass this along. A T-Cool brand collar, cost less than 2 bags of good dog food. What is your dog's life worth? Better to be prepared than paranoid! Do your dog and yourself a great service and check out t-coolk9.com use my code word "PHIL"
Phillip G. Pitts Sr. URCOOLSTUFF LLC T-Cool Brand Collars