Heat-on Grinding Heat Generation

Heat-on Grinding Heat Generation

Did you know that almost 90% of the loop energy is dissipated as heat?

Only about 10% of the energy is used for grinding. This means that the vast majority of the total grinding energy is converted into heat by friction and therefore needs to be dissipated. The more efficiently the coolant works, the more it is able to dissipate the heat.

Distribution of the total energy

Why is it important to know?

If you fail to transfer the energy out of the coolant contact zone, it will be absorbed by your part. This can cause the structure of the material to become damaged and can be very dangerous. I have personally seen parts that have split after being ground. Sometimes hours or days later. In the picture, you can see how the damage to the structure is fatal, as it starts at one point and spreads inward.

Temperatures at the grain cutting edge of over 1000°C

A considerable amount of heat is generated during grinding. Imagine temperatures of over 1000°C being reached at the edge of the grain cut. If this heat is absorbed by the workpiece, undesirable structural changes can occur, which can also be recognized by the appearance of coloured oxide layers (so-called blue grinding or grinding burn).

As grinding usually takes place at the end of the entire work process, the scrap costs are particularly high. Grinding burn is one of the main causes of failure of highly stressed workpieces.

Please note that grinding burns are often associated with structural damage.

Crankshaft from motorcycle which broke due to heat caused by poor cooling during grinding.

If you take the time to optimize the cooling of the workpiece and grinding wheel, with special nozzles, a sufficient amount of coolant and the perfect exit speed and angle, you can get more than 50% (creep feed grinding) of the heat transported away with the coolant.

Optimised coolant in the creep feed grinding process

In some cases the part shows no damage to the human eye.

Here are a few test methods to rule out grinding burn


-Etching e.g. with nital

-Macroscopic observation under the microscope with 2-50x magnification

-Photothermal grinding burn detection

-Barkhausen noise analysis

-X-ray inspection

-Computer tomography

I only list a few methods without valuing them.

Do you have experience in this area? Your comments are appreciated.


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