The heat is on, and off, and on again....
Welcome to the August edition of "Boss in your box". What a summer we've had (with a little of Autumn and Winter thrown in for good measure seemingly at times). No, we didn't win the Euros, no, admittedly, we didn't win every gold at the Olympics and let's be honest, even the temperatures have been a little all over the place, but thankfully are rates are HOT (see what I did there?!)
Anyway, on with the show and what I can do for you...
Asset Finance (we're not all the same!)
Most banks and finance companies will quite happy fund those brand new, shiny, secure, vehicles and heavy machinery for you. But have you noticed how they turn a funny shade of green when you ask about financing wheelie bins, shop refits, EV charging points or even software?
Not only can I help fund those for you, but also can offer repayment structures that will suit YOUR business, saving you both time and money.
And please don't assume that all equipment suppliers/ car dealers offer the cheapest finance deals, please ask me for a comparative quote to see if I can save you money.
So, what can we fund for you?
Listen to Englebert.....
Last year I visited an engineering company in Birmingham, to sign up the paperwork for the funding of a new piece of software.
The finance director kindly showed me around the factory and whilst he was doing so, told me about the future plans for the business. They were developing a new product for the automotive sector, but the R&D was going to stretch their cashflow in the coming months. This was causing considerable stress.
I noticed the sheer volume of machinery, including some substantial robots at work, which it turned out, were all owned outright by the business.
The next day I submitted a refinancing proposal to the client, putting over ï¿¡375k back into their cash reserves, helping ease their cashflow concerns.
Remember, as Englebert Humperdinck once (nearly) sang:-? “Please re-lease me, let cash flow…â€
What can we re-fund for you?!
Director’s Guarantee Insurance
"We are happy to agree the funding for you, we just need personal guarantees from the directors"
For many, hearing that last sentence can send shivers down their spine. Should their business fail, through no fault of their own, the lender can come to them personally, to enforce repayment of the debt.
This is where Personal Guarantee Insurance can help. It will cover up to 80% of the loan rather than the business owner’s home, savings and other personal assets being called on to settle the debt.
PGI is a relatively new type of insurance that offers protection against the risk of a Personal Guarantee being called in by a lender. The level of cover is a fixed percentage of the Personal Guarantee the company director wishes to insure.
Cost will vary depending on whether the debt is secured or unsecured. If your business were to fail, PGI would massively reduce the cost to directors.
We can offer Personal Guarantee Insurance both for new and existing finance agreements.
If you're looking for PGI, or you know someone who is, please get in touch.
And finally, don't forget
If ever you're feeling undervalued, remember, in an accounting team, EVERYBODY counts...
What can I fun(d) for you?!