The Heart's Journey: A Tale of Resilience
Marelle Couture
Creative Consultant, Sustainable Fashion, Owner & Head Designer at Hopscotch Couture/Marelle Couture, Wearable Fine Art
The Business of Being You: Heart Edition
Hello, dear readers!
This edition is particularly close to my heart, both literally and figuratively. As a heart patient, I have navigated the complexities of heart health and experienced the remarkable resilience of this incredible organ.
A Story of Survival and Strength
My journey began in a way that defied the odds. Born with a completely shut aorta, I should not have survived past my first week. Yet here I am, approaching 60, with a heart that has weathered more than its fair share of challenges. My condition was undiagnosed until I was 34. By then, my heart had grown to four times its normal size, working overtime to compensate for its limitations. My lips were blue, and my health was failing rapidly. A massive open-heart surgery was my only hope, and it marked the beginning of my journey to understanding and caring for my heart.
The Impact of Stress
One of the most profound lessons I've learned is the impact of stress on heart health. After the devastating loss of my son, a routine EKG revealed a visible depression in my heart. I had always been aware that emotional pain could affect the heart, but seeing it manifest physically was eye-opening. It underscored the importance of managing stress and maintaining emotional well-being as part of a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Wisdom from My Grandfather
Long before I knew I was a heart patient, my grandfather's example taught me the importance of preventative care. With a family history of heart disease that claimed his eight brothers in their 50s, my grandfather was determined to beat the odds. He diligently researched heart health, even without the convenience of the internet. His regimen included daily walks, a nutritious breakfast (often leftovers from the night before), and a variety of vitamins. His efforts paid off, and he lived to be 93.
Inspired by his dedication, I adopted similar habits. Daily walks, heart-healthy vitamins, good food, meditation, and intentional breathing are integral parts of my routine. These practices have contributed significantly to my well-being and longevity.
Tips for Heart Health
Final Thoughts
My journey with heart disease has been long and challenging, but it has also been a testament to the resilience and strength of the human heart. With the right care and attention, it is possible to defy the odds and live a fulfilling life. As I approach 60, I feel grateful for every day and every heartbeat, and I plan to continue following my grandfather's path to a long, healthy life.
Take care of your heart, and it will take care of you. Remember, making small changes today can have a significant impact on your heart health tomorrow.
Stay healthy and be well.
Warm regards,
Marelle Couture
*Weekly Shiz Nit: Saying no can be a powerful way to reduce stress and take care of yourself. A polite refusal to endless favors, constant cleaning, and numerous errands can make a big difference. At this point in my life, it's crucial for my health to delegate tasks. How about you? How would a well placed no impact your day to day life?